Thursday, 27 June 2024
““Take my instruction rather than [seeking] silver, And take knowledge rather than choicest gold, For wisdom is better than rubies; And all desirable things cannot compare with her. ¶“I, [godly] wisdom, reside with prudence [good judgment, moral courage and astute common sense], And I find knowledge and discretion.” –
Proverbs 8:10-12 AMP
We live in a world that is progressively becoming harder and harder to be in, and there’s an array of things that contribute to the stresses of life and make it hard for the majority to succeed. So many have read books, attended seminars and listened to talks of how to make it, and yet only a handful seem to have their life right.
However, the difference between us believers and those in the the world is that, everything we have been divinely given is to ensure we live lives that are glorious before GOD. A life of True riches and wealth in the Kingdom of GOD, looks very different to what is considered success in this world. Growth in GODLY virtues and righteousness is what is admirable in the spirit, and contentment in Christ is true wealth. That is why our greatest pursuit in this life should be what GOD Himself considers priceless. And that is wisdom.
“I have always said that wisdom is better than strength, but no one thinks of the poor as wise or pays any attention to what they say.”
Ecclesiastes 9:16 GNT
A lot of what man aspires to and considers intelligence is, more often than not, far from the wisdom of GOD. And the one thing about the wisdom of The Almighty is that, very rarely does it make sense to our simple minds and logic. As people, we tend to judge others by their background and possession and then decide if they are worth our acknowledgment or not. Yet some of the secrets of success in life can lie in the mouths of the outwardly despised of the LORD.
The Holy Spirit moves when and how He pleases, and we can often miss out on life changing opportunities because they are not packaged to our standards of what makes sense. Some of what the flesh has dismissed as a waste of time and energy, has sometimes been part of GOD’s divine leading and redirection. We need to understand that GOD is omniscient, which is all knowing, and His wisdom knows no bounds. He called on wisdom in order to create the earth, and it is the very same spirit of wisdom which He breathed in man, before the devil convinced man that he could be more like GOD by disobeying GOD. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of GOD, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
James 1:5 NKJV
The fall of man began with him not recognising who he had already been created to be, and our greatest demise today is not understanding, that in order to truly make it in this life, we need the spirit of wisdom just as much as we need air to breathe. Wisdom is what is behind every seemingly simple yet great decision, and wisdom is exactly what every person needs in order to make it in this life.
Some of what the flesh has dismissed as a waste of time and energy, has sometimes been part of GOD’s divine leading and redirection.