Friday, 28 June 2024
“Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on top of the wall she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech” – Proverbs 1:20-21 NIV
Growing up, there were cartoons that I used to love called, “Pinky and The Brain”. There were two characters named Pinky and Brain. Pinky, to put it mildly, wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box (very mildly), while Brain was super intelligent. Brain’s obsession and preoccupation was with conquering the WHOLE world. I was amazed at the careless and blasé manner in which Pinky lived his life. He just existed and didn’t care much for anything, while Brain was a master planner and was always thinking and coming up with ways to achieve his objectives. His wisdom opened a whole new world of endless possibilities, something I attributed to his superior intellect. You first need to know what you know, and what you don’t know, for you to realize what you can and can’t achieve. This requires wisdom and understanding, something Pinky lacked. Wisdom opened Brain’s mind to what’s possible and what needs problem-solving. Because Pinky’s “intelligence” was way below the third percentile, he lacked the “wisdom” to understand Brain’s plans, and as a result, he sabotaged his (Brain’s) plans to take over the world. If it wasn’t for Pinky’s sabotage, Brain would be the ultimate ruler of the universe.
The Bible talks about Solomon’s wisdom in great detail. His superior intellect amazed everyone who was around him. The Bible eludes to the fact that people traveled great distances just to hear him speak and to witness this great intellect. The Queen of Sheba traveled more than 1400 kilometers, just to meet Solomon and to put this wisdom to the test. Joshua also rose to prominence, not because of his looks (apparently he was an FHM specimen), but because of his wisdom and understanding. He stood out because of that, and as a result, found favor with his superiors. There were thousands of servants in Egypt who were overlooked, but he was chosen because GOD favored him and blessed him with wisdom.
“How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver” Proverbs 16:16 NIV. What does the Bible mean that wisdom is better than gold (wealth)? It says it is far more valuable to get godly wisdom than it is to get silver and gold. We are pursuing wealth and riches rather than pursuing what the Bible deems as much more precious. What is sad is that we are actively pursuing these riches, and yet the same riches we waste our youth pursuing, are not pursuing us. Yet in Proverbs 1:20-21, we can see that wisdom is actively pursuing and seeking us. She is standing at the city gates and screaming her lungs out to catch our attention. Yet we still ignore her and search for the one that isn’t preoccupied with seeking us. It’s like a man seeking and loving a girl who will lead him to his demise and neglecting the loving and nurturing woman that will add positively to his life.
We need wisdom and understanding more than we realize. GOD wants to use us to attract people to the Kingdom through His Godly wisdom. The Bible talks about how Pharisees hated and despised Jesus, but one thing they couldn’t take away from Him was His wisdom. They tried many times to catch Him in a lie, yet they ALWAYS failed dismally because He was wise and could see through their deception. Luke 12:11-12 talks about not worrying about how you’ll defend yourself in front of your naysayers or accusers, as GOD who has GIVEN you wisdom will guide you.
To really impact this world for GOD, we need wisdom more than anything else. What’s sad is that most will not attain it, yet he (wisdom) is actively pursuing us. Wisdom is screaming at the city gates trying to catch our attention. Yet every day we reject him for a Delilah who just wants to cut our hair (purpose) to render us ineffective for the Kingdom. When we wake up every day, what should be our plan and goal? Our plan should be to “take over the world” like Brain, for the Kingdom.
To really impact this world for GOD, we need wisdom more than anything else