The Blessing (Wisdom) To Be Blessed

The Blessing (Wisdom) To Be Blessed

Friday, 19 July 2024

“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold” – Proverbs 3:13-14 NIV

“Scientists over the years have studied The Great Pyramid and pondered what it must have taken at that time to construct such a wonder. Many believe that it took 20,000 workers 20 years to finish The Great Pyramid. This would be an astounding task when our history shows that they only used wooden implements with ropes and pulleys. Due to there being such detail and precision alignments of the pyramid, it’s hard to believe that such a magnificent structure could be completed in 20 years with so few people and such limited tools and resources of that period. “- (Jason Morton)

It’s because of this mystery that people, to this very day, go to Egypt to see this wonder, whose origin, thee smartest people on earth can’t explain. The science and Astrology that went into building them should not have existed at the time. The precision and attention to detail required to complete them requires the knowledge and technology we only have now, so how did they do it, especially because they didn’t have power tools? It’s this “impossible” trait of the pyramids that attracts millions of people to Egypt.

“From all nations people came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom”. 1 Kings 4:34 NIV. We all know very intelligent people and every country has intellectuals that are advancing knowledge in science and technology. So it wouldn’t move me in any way if there was a rumor that there’s a person who’s been discovered and proven to be the smartest person on earth. If that’s the case, then what was different about Solomon? Why did Kings send their people thousands of kilometers to go see Solomon? I’m sure they had geniuses in their own countries. So why was Solomon different? His wisdom was GOD-given and not self-taught or self-acquired. It was supernatural wisdom that defied all logic. It was so supernatural, that people couldn’t believe it was possible, and as a result, they had to go witness and experience it themselves. This is the wisdom that can’t be acquired by studying, it is a gift from GOD.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous GOD, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking”. James 1:5 NLT. What does this mean? Does it mean I can be as wise as Solomon or even wiser? Also, why was it important for the scribe to highlight, in verse 6, the point that you have to BELIEVE and not DOUBT? Could it be that this wisdom may seem to be beyond our mind’s comprehension, and the natural/fleshly response would be to doubt it? We say GOD is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and the very same GOD who granted Solomon this wisdom is telling me that I too can ask for it, and if I don’t doubt and I believe I can also acquire it?

In the above scripture (Proverbs 3:13-14), it is clear that those who really acquire wisdom are truly blessed. It goes on to highlight that this wisdom is far more valuable than silver and gold, and it has better returns than anything you could ever ask for. To prove this statement, we only have to look at Solomon’s net worth. When people came to see him, they didn’t come empty-handed but came with gifts. Same way a visiting professor’s accommodation, flights, and transport get sorted by the hosts (as he is the subject matter expert and he knows more than they do). I believe this is one of the ways you benefit from the blessing that comes from Wisdom. Now if this happens with worldly acquired wisdom, how much more when you have the divine and supernatural wisdom that only GOD can impart?

We say GOD is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and the very same GOD who granted Solomon this wisdom is telling me that I too can ask for it, and if I don’t doubt and I believe I can also acquire it?


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