The saying that, ‘There is our time (man’s time) and then there is GOD’s time’, is not just a cliché we are used to hearing, it is a saying that is not only Scriptural [John 7:5-6], but also packed with a whole lot of Wisdom. With man, we want what we want, when we want it. Even when we offer prayer to GOD, we do so without an appreciation of the fact that GOD works in time and that GOD works on time. The misperception that the sovereign nature of GOD justifies us having expectations, and perhaps, the entitlement for GOD to do whatever we desire, want, or ask of HIM when we need, want or ask it of HIM, has nothing to do with GOD’s time. With GOD, in contrast to man, there is always the right time to do the right thing, and the right thing always comes with the right motive, the right thing always comes from the right heart. There is a time and a season for everything with GOD and that is how GOD made creation [Ecclesiastes 3:1-8]. Creation is created in GOD’s time, within the timing and within the will of GOD.
Any time is still the right time to a person who lacks the discernment of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. When Solomon wrote, ‘to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven’ [Ecclesiastes 3:1], he spoke from a position of wisdom and he articulated the kingdom principle of the timing of the will and of the purpose of GOD over all creation quite well. Yet a foolish person will not understand this. Such a person will fail to take the issue of divine time (GOD’s timing) into account and will place themselves at risk of falling from faith when they do not receive what they are believing GOD for. In Habakkuk 2:2-3, in a conversation between a prophet and GOD, GOD tells the prophet that the vision HE gives him has an appointed time for it to come to pass, and that he must wait for it when it seems to delay. When cross-refenced with Ecclesiastes 3:1, we see that— (i) the vision is ‘a purpose under heaven’; (ii) the appointed time is ‘the season’, the time predestined by GOD according to HIS will; and (iii) the tarrying is the season for waiting on GOD.
In the Scripture GOD speaks a Word; HE gives a promise, vision, prophesy or revelation of something to come in the future; And then HE throws in a caveat in there that says, ‘wait for it, no matter how long it takes, wait’ [Habakkuk 2:3b]. GOD always does what HE does in time, HE never operates outside of HIS appointed time; And GOD is always on time, HE is never late. We must learn to live by the timing of GOD, and not our own timing, if we do not want to collide with GOD. The concept of delay does not exist with GOD because there is never anything that is outside of GOD’s control. HE can cause anything to happen at any given time. So whenever there seems to be delay in our lives, it simply means that there is something outside of our control. At times, it may look like we are tarrying because we cannot see the whole picture. Have you noticed how, when GOD promises, when GOD gives the Word, the revelation, or the prophecy, HE does not give the whole (complete) picture? We begin to grow impatient and discouraged because we do not know the whole picture, we do not have the full picture.
In addition to that, GOD knows that we are flesh, prone to weakness, and that it is not easy for man to wait. And yet GOD tells us to ‘wait for it when it tarries’ because HE knows HE has given us the grace to wait when we remain obedient and fully submitted to HIS appointed time. Remaining obedient and fully submitted in this way means, that we cannot— hurry or rush HIM, lose hope in HIM, get discouraged with HIM, or lose heart in HIM. Some would ask— “Why wait? What do we do while we wait?”. And the competing question is— “How much have we lost and how many things have we suffered due to our lack of wisdom to discern the timing of GOD?”. The answer to both arguments is simply this—Waiting is not foolishness because GOD says that HIS Word will come to pass, that it will definitely be fulfilled for us [Habakkuk 2:3]. The Word, prophecy, vision or promise is from GOD and HE will fulfil it in HIS time, according to HIS will, on time. It is not our place to try fulfil it ourselves. We are then left with a choice to either wait for GOD or to try give ourselves the promises, and thereby hurt ourselves and others in the process.
Ever noticed how, even though some of us are really gifted, we have to wait with the gift? For everything that we desire to come into being, we need to employ the Wisdom of Waiting on GOD with our talents, gifting, skills, anointing, callings and assignments notwithstanding. Some of you know that GOD has given you an assignment, but has GOD given you its timing as yet? If GOD has not, then you must wait and subject yourself to HIM. Do not try to use your gift to make money outside of the time appointed by GOD, because there is no grace of GOD covering you when you do what GOD has granted you the grace for, outside of the time of GOD. All that you will be doing is opening yourself up to serious hurt, discouragement and disappointment. This is how the devil has managed to hijack many-a-talents that GOD had given to people. Do not try to work your gift by yourself or out of your own power or strength. Our gifts must be submitted entirely to GOD, we must wait on GOD and for GOD even though we may be fully anointed. It is the heart of wisdom to know that GOD does everything in time, on time and in season.
With GOD, there is no grace covering outside of His appointed time. We only pierce our own hearts with many arrows when we act outside of the time set by GOD instead of waiting. Sometimes things begin to unravel, fall apart and get worse while we are waiting. This is perfectly normal, and no matter what happens, the Word of the LORD will still stand and will most definitely come to fulfilment. GOD has set the right time for everything, for everyone. No matter how hard we may try, how much we may work ourselves to the bone, none of us can obtain, achieve, attain or do that which GOD has set in HIS own time, in HIS appointed time [Ecclesiastes 3:9-10 GNT]; And those who wait on GOD’s appointed time are unstoppable. Abraham waited 25 years for the appointed time of his miracle child. David, fully anointed for the throne, waited many years to ascend to the throne. GOD held back and let Hannah wait many years for her child. Joseph was a slave and a prisoner for 13 years before he became the prime minister of Egypt. Jesus waited 30 years before His ministry could begin. They all waited on GOD’s time, vision in hand.
There is Wisdom in Waiting. Waiting for GOD is believing in Him, obeying Him and submitting to Him. Waiting on GOD and for GOD is an expression of faith. The spirit of GOD came in full measure upon Jesus; The Word of GOD tore the heavens and said, for everyone to hear, that ‘this is My Son in whom I am well pleased’, and the Spirit of GOD descended upon Him like a dove for everyone to see [Matthew 3:17]. Now Jesus, fully anointed, fully powered, having the power and the spirit of GOD fully resting upon Him without leaving Him, still waited. The Bible says, ‘And the Spirit led Him to the wilderness’, fully anointed as He was. Those who wait on GOD and submit themselves to GOD, with everything that the LORD has given them in the Spirit, these are the ones that are unstoppable in life. Waiting for GOD is cooperating with HIS purpose, HIS plan and HIS agenda. The fully powered and fully anointed LORD Jesus Christ cooperated with the will of GOD—this is why He says, ‘not My will but YOUR will’ [Luke 22:42]—and He fully cooperated with GOD’s purpose and plan.
It is extremely pleasing to GOD when we wait on and for HIM, so much so that HE works for those who wait for Him [Isaiah 64:4 NLT]. When you wait for GOD, you never have to work for yourself, GOD will work for you, and you will rest. This is the part where GOD makes you rich without you breaking a sweat or toiling for it. No ear has heard and no eye has seen what GOD does for those that wait for HIM; This means, GOD is still waiting on us to wait for HIM and not try to outrun, outpace or outwit HIM [Isaiah 64:4 Aramaic Bible In Plain English, Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Version]. GOD works miracles when we wait for HIM [Isaiah 64:4 CEV]. The Kingdom of GOD is a kingdom of waiting. So stop rushing yourself. Stop rushing GOD. Do the best that you can to wait. Continue to praise and thank GOD while you wait, and do not complain and murmur all sorts of things in waiting. Waiting happens not because we have sinned. Waiting is not time wasted. It is time invested for which we shall reap great harvests. And while we wait, GOD works in us and HE works for us.
Philippians 4:6-7 CEV tells us that we must be controlled by the peace of GOD, that HE has blessed us with while we are waiting on GOD and on the Word, waiting in prayer, in thanksgiving and in praise; And that we must not allow ourselves to be controlled by what we think and what we feel. 2 Peter 3:9 says GOD is not slack concerning HIS promises, but GOD constrains HIMSELF to wait, not wanting any to perish. GOD could have seen to Christ’s return yesterday, but HE subjects and constrains HIMSELF to waiting, despite HIS sovereignty, because of not wanting any of us to perish. This is how much GOD loves us. So if we love GOD as much as we claim to, why then is it impossible for us to wait for HIM? GOD loves us so much that HE is waiting and holding back for Jesus not to come just yet, to give us a chance to get in the right with HIM, until we are in the right with HIM. GOD subjects us to waiting because HE does not promote the flesh, HE promotes only HIS own purpose and will. Waiting on GOD is a pivotal part in GOD’s timetable for our lives. In the waiting, GOD works in us to work for us, and reveals the Wisdom of Waiting.
Waiting on GOD is a pivotal part in GOD’s timetable for our lives. It is in the waiting where GOD works in us to work for us, and reveals the Wisdom of Waiting to us.