Wednesday, 24 July 2024
“GOD, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way— the path that brings me back to you.” – Psalms 139:23-24 TPT
GOD knows what truly lies in the heart of man, including man’s motives. David didn’t ask GOD to lead him back to the path that brought him back to GOD’s purpose for his life. Instead, his focus was for GOD to lead him back to Him. David understood that before anything else, GOD called him to Himself. Meaning, that he didn’t pursue GOD’s will and purpose for his life (to become great in his calling), instead, he pursued the will and purpose of GOD for GOD, that he may know GOD and understand GOD on a more personal and intimate level.
If it is truly GOD’s face that you seek, what is your motive? Are you seeking GOD’s face to walk in His divine purpose for your life or are you seeking GOD’s face to know His will and purpose for His Kingdom?
Jesus said, “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of GOD], and all these things will be given to you also.” Matthew 6:33 AMP, this passage challenges one into self-introspection, for the Kingdom of GOD is a Kingdom of waiting, and waiting will never make sense to the flesh, because the flesh will always want a quick fix and always opt for the easy way out. Until we die to that which we’re waiting on GOD for, we must forget about experiencing the fullness of GOD and HIS Kingdom. The question is, what exactly are you waiting on GOD for? Whatever it is, you need to die to it.
“Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” – Luke 9:23 NKJV, one thing about the process of waiting on GOD for GOD is that it will bring you to the end of yourself, and it is at the end of yourself where you meet the heart of GOD. Let us also remember that there is never a point of arrival when it comes to knowing and understanding GOD and the things of GOD (His will, purpose, and intention for His Kingdom).
There are different journeys mentioned in the bible including the LORD’s, and it is in those journeys that every one of them was prepared for years (some decades) before they walked in their destinies, none of their journeys were overnight successes, meaning, they all had to go through preparation. You know, GOD tells us where He’s taking us but doesn’t mention the how part. We get so caught up in the where (destination) and often forget that there’s the “how” (the journey, preparation).
“For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You, who acts for the one who waits for Him.” – Isaiah 64:4 NKJV, it is in the waiting that GOD works in us and for us, it is in the waiting that GOD reveals the wisdom of waiting. Therefore, in all you do, wait on GOD and you will never have to hustle (sweat or toil) a day in your life.
One thing about the process of waiting on GOD for GOD is that it will bring you to the end of yourself, and it is at the end of yourself where you meet the heart of GOD.
One Comment
Thank you Gqibi, for sharing these inspiring Bible verses and reflections on seeking God’s purpose and Kingdom. It is indeed a reminder that our motives and desires should align with God’s will and that seeking His face should be our priority. It is easy to become impatient and seek quick fixes or easy ways out, but true fulfillment and understanding of God’s intentions come through patience, waiting, and dying to ourselves.
As mentioned in Luke 9:23, following Jesus requires denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily. This reminds us that our own desires and plans must be surrendered to God’s leading. It is through this process that we can truly encounter the heart of God and understand His ways.
The journeys of the people mentioned in the Bible, such as David, teach us that preparation and waiting are integral parts of our own journeys towards our destinies. It is comforting to know that God is always with us during this preparation period, acting on behalf of those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4).
Therefore, let us be patient and trust in God’s timing and His plan for our lives. By seeking His Kingdom and righteousness above all else (Matthew 6:33), we can experience the abundant life He has in store for us. So, whatever you are waiting on God for, remember that waiting on Him will yield far greater results than any quick or easy way could provide.
May we all find comfort, strength, and encouragement in the knowledge that God knows our motives, desires, and deepest longings. Let us continue to seek His face with pure and sincere hearts as we walk in His divine purpose for our lives.