Wednesday, 31 July 2024
The sincerity of our prayers is entirely dependent on our personal relationship with GOD. Meaning, that the relationship I have with GOD will set the tone (foundation) for the prayers I offer to GOD. “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew you intimately.” – Jeremiah 1:5a TPT, GOD doesn’t need convincing, and neither does HE need to be impressed by us. He’s our Father and our responsibility is to remain childlike before His feet.
“LORD, you know everything there is to know about me. You perceive every movement of my heart and soul, and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind. You are so intimately aware of me, LORD. You read my heart like an open book and you know all the words I’m about to speak before I even start a sentence! You know every step I will take before my journey even begins.” – Psalms 139:1-4 TPT. Not only does our Father know our thoughts but He knows them even before they take form in our minds. Not only does our Father know what we’ll be doing, or where we’ll be in the next five to ten years, but He knows exactly what thoughts we’ll be thinking in those years to come. GOD made us in His very own image, meaning, He knows us deeply, intimately, and passionately so. There is nothing “new” about us that will take Him by surprise, He is an all-knowing Father.
As a result, we were not created to carry our problems, neither are we called for that. When Jesus walked the face of the earth, even though He was fully GOD, He trusted GOD down to the tiniest detail of His life. Jesus laid it all down before GOD, meaning, He was fully surrendered. So that seemingly stupid or insignificant thought, problem, issue, need and desire, GOD already knows about it, but He still wants to hear all about it from you.
When we lay it all down at His feet through prayer, we ought to do so in faith. In as much as prayer is a two-way street, when we lay our needs and problems at His feet may we be patient enough to want to hear His mind concerning what we prayed for. The moment we worry about it we automatically begin to meditate on it, and it is then out of GOD’s hands. Worry brings in doubt and there is nothing our Father can do once we start operating in doubt. Once we worry about a particular situation it means we haven’t fully surrendered it to GOD and it means we’re doubting GOD’s ability to come through for us in that particular situation. Therefore, the choice is ours, we can either wait in expectation or wait in worry.
Let us remember, the devil is cunning and he doesn’t mind us praying long prayers to GOD as long as we’re not specific, direct, clear, and sincere about what we’re praying for.
Once we worry about a particular situation it means we haven’t fully surrendered it to GOD and it means we’re doubting GOD’s ability to come through for us in that particular situation.