When It’s Just You And GOD and No One Else

When It’s Just You And GOD and No One Else

Friday, 02 August 2024

“I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers” – Isaiah 65:24 NLT

Like the Apostles before me, I too know of a man. A man who had forsaken the comfort of being a servant of a pharaoh and had decided to be a pharaoh himself. GOD had given him the go-ahead and he embarked on this journey of being a pharaoh. His business wasn’t doing so well, and as a result, the banks had taken his vehicles and were now threatening to take his house. The house he shared with his wife and kids. What would become of them if they lost it as well? I mean he had already lost everything and now the one thing that was literally his shelter was on the brink of being taken. In the early hours of the morning while everything and everyone was quiet, and it was just him and his thoughts, trying to come to terms with what was happening in his life. It’s in this moment when everyone else who encouraged him was absent and he was left with no other option but to converse with his Father.

“Father, why is this happening? Why am I going through this when You confirmed, through Your servant, that this is the journey I must embark on? Did You ask me to do this so that everything could be taken from me? What about my family? They weren’t part of our agreement. Why should they have to suffer because of my decisions? No one else can help me except for You. Your Word says, those who hope in You will never be put to shame. Father please save my house and give us the grace that we may buy two more cars”. It’s these silent and genuine prayers that remind you that you can do NOTHING on your own. It’s in these moments that all falsehood is put aside, and one becomes genuine and frank with his GOD. When there is no plan B or C when you know for a fact that either GOD comes through big or you’ll perish. These are the prayers that aren’t long because you have no time to beat around the bush but to get straight to the point.

At Gethsemane, Jesus was at a crossroad and He knew what was to befall Him. You’d think it would be easy and natural for Him to partake of what He had signed up for. But the reality was dawning that He was going to suffer. His flesh wanted to resist the sacrifice, but His Spirit Man knew what was expected of Him. He was desperate for His Father to come to His aid. This is why His prayer was genuine and heartfelt. He cried out to His Father and poured out His heart. Self-preservation is what most would choose, yet the King of kings, aka Lion of Judah, aka Prince of Peace, aka Mwana wa Mulungu, decided to put His own life on the line and willingly accepted His fate. After His prayer, the Angel came to strengthen Him. This proves that, when we genuinely pour out our heart to GOD in prayer, He ALWAYS hears us.

“As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed” – Daniel 9:23a NIV. What encourages me about this scripture is that, even before Daniel could finish his supplication there was already an answer from heaven. In the above scripture (Isaiah 65:24), we can also see that GOD also comes through before we even come to Him in prayer. He is a Father who’s always near His children, a Father who knows our needs and provides for them while we are still talking about them. How much more will He come through when we come before Him with a genuine heart and with prayers that are specific and to the point?

When there is no plan B or C when you know for a fact that either GOD comes through big or you’ll perish. These are the prayers that aren’t long because you have no time to beat around the bush but to get straight to the point.


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