Consumed Beyond Recognition

Consumed Beyond Recognition

Wednesday, 07 August 2024

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” – John‬ ‭15‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

David’s living relationship with GOD was based on his revelation of Who GOD is. He knew exactly what he had found and made a decision that he’d never let go, no matter what. No situation, circumstance, or difficulty was going to get in the way of what he found, meaning, no situation under the sun was going to get in the way of his living relationship with GOD. This man was consumed by his living relationship with GOD beyond recognition. GOD was his “Forever Yena”, and GOD Himself knew it. He gave a testimony of their relationship so that we may not only know of it but burn for more of it. In other words, GOD and David’s relationship was a foundation set, so that you and I today can have a much more deeper and much more intimate living relationship with GOD.

David was zealous for GOD way before GOD gave him a title. He was not an heir in line, there was no royal blood running through his veins, he was totally undeserving of the title, but GOD saw it fit to make him King because GOD knew his heart. His relationship with GOD was never based on tangible things, instead, his relationship with GOD had everything to do with GOD and GOD’s Kingdom. He never chased after a title, the title followed him simply because of his sincere and genuine desire for GOD.

What we do in the Name of the LORD, will flow from the relationship we have with Him. Martha served in the presence of the LORD, which shows us what kind of relationship she had with Jesus. Martha put serving before Jesus, meaning, Jesus didn’t come first in her life, serving came first. The issue here is not her serving, the issue is her timing and lack of discernment. She was found busy (preoccupied) and she missed Him. Martha completely missed the opportunity to know Jesus intimately. “She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the LORD’s feet listening to what he said.” Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬, Mary’s posture in the presence of the LORD was that of a child and a seeker. She became a sponge in His presence, she longed to be found at His feet (in His presence), she longed to know Him intimately. “but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭42‬ ‭NIV‬‬. GOD is reminding us of the “why” (why He called us to Himself), and to understand the why we need to go back to the “when” and “where”. When was the very first encounter you had with Jesus? Where were you when you had your very first encounter? A lot has happened to us, for us, and around us over the years, as a result, it has become easy to forget the when, the where, and ultimately, the why.

In as much as how we were raised directly affects how we relate to GOD, how we receive(d) Christ directly affects how we grow in Him. Could it be that we’ve become more like Martha before GOD and He (GOD) is calling out the Mary in us? As we go back in time (to that very first encounter) may our posture before our LORD and Saviour remain like that of Mary and King David.

What we do in the Name of the LORD, will flow from the relationship we have with Him.


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