Today’s message is delivered in a prayer and a prophecy. We find our prayer in the words of Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 64:1-4 AMP. Those who are in a relationship with GOD are longing, thirsty, and hungry for an encounter with Him, longing for Him to manifest—these are the ones who will pray in the words of Isaiah. The Spirit of the LORD that dwells in us (because of our relationship with GOD) can never be satisfied with just existing in us, it can never be content with the ordinary and the bland. Our spirit will long, thirst, and hunger for the one true GOD who ‘does awesome and amazing things’ to manifest Himself [Isaiah 64:3]. As he continues in prayer, Isaiah calls out that the GOD who came down from Mt Sinai is not done doing awesome and amazing things, He will manifest again. This prayer goes out to the GOD ‘who works and acts on behalf of those children of GOD who gladly wait for Him’ [Isaiah 64:4]. But prayer after prayer, do we gladly wait for Him like Isaiah’s prayer says we should?
Scripture says when you (child of GOD) cry out to GOD in prayer, as you wait on the LORD in sincere faith and with great anticipation, looking for GOD to show Himself in your life, you are not doing this in routine, tradition or by natural progression. All this is not for naught, but it is because you are filled with the Holy Spirit which is leading you to the righteousness of GOD. This is a child of GOD who consecrates himself/herself as a living sacrifice, never tiring, and the fire for the LORD never waning in you as you wait on the LORD like Simeon and Anna did. Simeon was righteous, devout and the Holy Spirit was upon Him [Luke 2:25-28]. Anna never left the temple area, sacrificing herself serving and worshiping GOD with prayer and fasting day and night [Luke 2:36-38]. And when we indeed wait on GOD for GOD, prioritizing GOD first and foremost, solely depending on GOD, the LORD will show Himself as He did for Simeon and Anna. This is a particular class of believers like no other. Are we among this class of believers? Or are our actions and attitudes resisting the sacrifice of self in service and worship to GOD?
We find the prophetic part of today’s message in Isaiah 43:18-19, where GOD (speaking through His servant Isaiah) tells us what He is about to do for us now, in our immediate future—there is a new glory and a new grace upon us now. Isaiah tells us to forget the things that happened in the past and to focus only on what is to come. This prophesy is echoed by Prophet Haggai’s account of the word that he received from GOD [Haggai 9:2]. The gist of this prophecy (as foretold by both Prophets) is that GOD wants to exceed His own track record. GOD wants to do greater, better things for us, in us and through us, much more than He did in the times that have gone past; But He will not and cannot do these greater and better things UNLESS we wait on Him in sincere faith, in great anticipation and with discernment of what GOD is doing in that season, UNLESS we begin to entreat heaven with the persistence of Elijah, Simeon and Anna. The prophecy foretold by these Prophets is the New Testament Covenant which GOD set in motion and completed before the Word was even given to these Prophets.
Today’s prayer and prophesy speak of the season that is now, a season of the supernatural which GOD has set in motion. This is the season where only GOD is in charge and not man. In this season, GOD will show up in the seemingly mundane day-to-day things in the lives of all those who diligently seek Him. GOD has hidden the supernatural breakthroughs, miracles, signs, and wonders in the supernatural dimension. This is the realm (dimension) where only GOD and the GODLY exist. And GOD says that this is the new thing, the new glory, the new grace covenant that He has prepared for all those that will want it and seek it, for all those that long, hunger and thirst for it. GOD will stop at nothing to exceed whatever He has done in the past. This is what the LORD is doing now, and no one can reverse what the LORD does, says, and wills for man [Isaiah 43:13]. So when GOD does deliver on the promised (and prophesied) supernatural breakthroughs, they will take over the physical realm because they are the supreme will of GOD, subject to nothing else in this life in any dimension or realm.
We must believe in GOD, in the Word, and in His promises for us with sincere and unshakable faith, if for no other reason than the fact that Isaiah 43:13 NKJV/TPT says that—(i) GOD is GOD since before the beginning; and (ii) there is no one (no authority) that can reverse, negate or deliver out of GOD’s hand or mouth anything that GOD does or says. GOD has said it, He has spoken the Word. Now it is for us to persist faithfully in prayer and not give Him rest until He establishes us, until He establishes the Word spoken over our lives [Isaiah 62:6b-7]. The Spirit of the LORD dwells in us, and it will never and can never be satisfied by anything less than the absolute righteousness of GOD. And the righteousness of GOD comes when He establishes us. And nothing on this green earth will be able to mask, disguise, or hide that intense fire in us for GOD and for the things of GOD. Isaiah’s words of prayer and prophecy are ours to pray for with sincere faith and in great expectation to behold the breakthrough into the supernatural new now.
And when we indeed wait on GOD for GOD, prioritizing GOD first and foremost, solely depending on GOD, the LORD will show Himself as He did for Simeon and Anna. This is a particular class of believers like no other. Are we among this class of believers? Or are our actions and attitudes resisting the sacrifice of self in service and worship to GOD?