Wednesday, 13 November 2024
“They found that the Jews of Berea were of more noble character and much more open minded than those of Thessalonica. They were hungry to learn and eagerly received the word. Every day they opened the scrolls of Scripture to search and examine them, to verify that what Paul taught them was true.” – Acts 17:11 TPT
There is so much going on in our generation, technology has made it easy for us to have access to different platforms simply because people are hungry for information. Almost everyone is now either a pastor or a motivational speaker, all they do is talk and then throw in a scripture or two to make it sound good to the ear. What we need to ask ourselves is, what are we hearing? How are we hearing it and what is it producing in us?
As believers, we will know that we’re in a true church of GOD or listening to a true servant of GOD if what comes out of our mouth leads us to love and desire GOD, leads us to love the next person [Matthew 22:37-39].
For something to be alive in a person, it must first live in them, the same applies with the Word of GOD. The Word must first live in us for it to be alive in us so that when GOD manifests His Word in and through us it then becomes life. Fortunately, (unfortunately) we don’t get to choose how the Word manifests or becomes life as it is not ours to begin with. The Word of GOD is life, and that makes us life carriers. Whatever comes out of our mouths has the power to either build or destroy, and that’s why it is crucial that we grow in GOD’s Word, if we do not grow (in His Word), we start dying. Therefore, our responsibility is to take the Word in, for growth to take place, however, that growth is not in your power or my power, it is GOD who decides how we grow in His Word.
The enemy knows exactly what happens in a believer and to a believer when they grow in the Word because the Word produces victory. That is why he will continue to fight Christians tooth and nail from walking in this victory by sowing seeds of confusion and division within the church through the teaching of false doctrines, and making sure that there’s little to no time spent in GOD’s Word, resulting in no growth at all. The same Word that tells us, “faith comes from hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the [preaching of the] message concerning Christ.” – Romans 10:17 AMP, is the same Word that also challenges us, “My dear brothers and sisters, what good is it if someone claims to have faith but demonstrates no good works to prove it? How could this kind of faith save anyone?” – James (Jacob) 2:14 TPT. Yes, we will go to church and hear the message, but what we do with what we’ve heard the moment service ends, is where the real battle is.
The enemy knows exactly what happens in a believer and to a believer when they grow in the Word because the Word produces victory.