Shadowboxing With The End In Mind

Shadowboxing With The End In Mind

Friday, 22 November 2022

“Commit your works to the LORD [submit and trust them to Him], And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance” – Proverbs 16:3 AMP

There is a commonly known statement that says, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” In the account of the ten virgins in the Bible, we are told there are five wise virgins and five foolish ones. The wise ones knew what they wanted to accomplish and they planned accordingly. They didn’t leave anything to chance, which is why they packed extra oil. The foolish ones on the other hand, had no plans and they were just going with the flow. They had not planned for every possible scenario, and as a result, they missed their destiny.

In Christianity, like in business, we have the end in mind, we have objectives that we hope to achieve. The problem is, others plan accordingly and submit their plans/desires to the LORD, while others, like the foolish virgins, are going with the flow and freestyling along the way with the hopes of everything working out for the good. The problem with the latter is that it doesn’t involve faith and committing one’s plans to the LORD.

And we all know that only faith pleases the LORD, and those who plan accordingly and submit those plans to GOD do so with an expectation that He will establish their plans. This isn’t a passive exercise but an active one. Actively waiting on the LORD and knowing that GOD will grant them the desires of their heart. They say, “Chance favors the prepared mind”, and lazy people always believe that other’s success is because of luck or GOD’s favor. But what they fail to understand is that the “lucky” moved the important pieces on their chess board and sacrificed a couple of pawns (e.g. hobbies) along the way, and eventually found themselves faced with a King, and it became checkmate.

In my personal walk with the LORD, have I left some things to chance in the hope that they will work themselves out? Or am I waiting in eager expectation for Him to fulfil things I have committed to Him by faith? Like Apostle Paul once said, am I “punching like a mad man with no clear end goal,” or am I intentional with my pursuits and goals?

Those who plan accordingly and submit those plans to GOD do so with an expectation that He will establish their plans. This isn’t a passive exercise but an active one.


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