Sunday Message Summary, 24 November 2024

Sunday Message Summary, 24 November 2024

Success in the Kingdom of GOD is created. It does not just happen, come by default or by luck. Most of us are most likely never going to become anything good or even remotely great by simply stumbling upon the greatness inside of ourselves by chance. The first of the two best kept secrets about Creating Success, about succeeding in the Kingdom that we are in, is INTENTION (being INTENTIONAL) and the second best kept secret is ACTION. Being intentional is a state of being involved, setting your mind on something, being deliberate, being calculated in your thoughts, utterances and actions—It is not something that happens by coincidence or a stroke of luck for most people. And once you have decided to be intentional, you will give birth to success when you put actions and proactively move towards the deliberately calculated thing that you have set your mind on. Life is always intentional and life always demands that we take action.

In Colossians 3:2 NKJV/KJV, it is written that you ought to ‘set your mind/affections on things above, not on things on the earth’. This means, to realise heavenly things, we must set our minds on them; To realise anything at all (whether earthly or heavenly), you and I must set our minds on it. Whatever it is you are looking for (be it a great or a successful business, relationship or marriage), you have to deliberately set your mind on it, you have to be calculated about it, you have to be intentional about going after it, and you have to be clear about your intentions. Whatever you deliberately set your mind on, you give power to come into being, you give power to become a reality. In Proverbs 4:23 NKJV/NIV, we are told that we ought to ‘guard your hearts with all vigilance/diligence, for everything you do flows from it’. The words ‘heart’, ‘mind’ and ‘spirit’ are used interchangeably in the Bible. What we learn from the context of the text quoted from Colossians and Proverbs is this—Our thoughts give birth to actions and inactions, and those actions and inactions materialise into tangible things.

Being intentional is informed by what our thoughts, heart, mind and soul gravitate towards and meditate on. The Word instructs us to meditate on those things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue and praiseworthy [Philippians 4:8] simply because—Firstly, ‘for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he’ [Proverbs 23:7a]; And secondly, ‘everything that you do flows from the affections of your heart, mind and spirit, everything that you are is affected by the affections of your heart, mind and spirit’ [Proverbs 4:23a NIV/TPT]. The focus of our heart, mind and spirit is what will materialise in our lives, because focus is a power tool that gives birth to things and focused thoughts become things. We are the sons and daughters of GOD the Father, a Father who has ingenuity and who is creative. He has imprinted His ingenuity and creativity into our spiritual and physical DNA. Our Father is a GOD of meditation, focus, deliberation and calculation. And this is how things come to pass, how greatness is birthed in us in His Kingdom.

Everything begins as an idea, a concept, a desire, a want, a need. Every giant tree there ever was started as a very small seed. GOD has already blessed us, his sons and daughters, with the seed and raw material to produce the blessing that we are looking for from Him. He created man in His image, born with the capability to be great, ingenious and creative. GOD created us for us to create success, and yet we have become blind to this greatness in us. There is infinite potential and a unique quality that GOD has placed in you when He created you which set you apart, and that is where your greatness lies [—Ephesians 2:10]. We want to emulate and imitate what others are doing, chasing a success that GOD has not called us to. Why be like everyone else, when the Father has called you to be in sync with His Divine Holy Spirit through what He has already locked up inside of you? You, light of the world and salt of the earth, were designed and created to bring colour and flavour to this earthly world. GOD made you unique and the Word that He has given over your life is also just as novel as you are.

No Believer, no Christians, no child of GOD is meant to live on handouts, meant to beg, meant to merely get by, meant to merely scrape through life, meant to merely coast through life, content to just receive a salary until you die—“For you know the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich” [2 Corinthians‬ ‭8‬:‭9‬]‬‬. We can choose to believe, be deliberate, be intentional and to set our minds on the Word and on the Scriptures and act on it; Or we could choose just to hear about it and read it, but never act on it, and thereby never realise the riches GOD intended for us. The action aspect to unlocking success requires that the Word of GOD be acted upon to give birth to what it promises. Prayer is good. Receiving a Word is good. But faith without works (action) is dead, a Word without faith is dead, prayer without intentional action in the direction of the Word is useless. Many great ideas die at inception due to lack of action, purpose and drive.

Unlike so many of us, the people of Babel were intentional, they set a clear goal; The people of Babel supported their intention with actions, they made plans, they made and baked bricks, they began building, they were driven; [Genesis 11:1-4]. GOD blesses us when we act. Do not fall into that trap of being a religious Christian, who is forever reading the Bible, always praying and always waiting on GOD to bless you. Be intentional, deliberate and calculated. Put in the work. Put in the hours. Nothing is stopping you from moving towards the success that you want. Absolutely nothing. To succeed in anything in life is a conscious choice not to quit on our part. The opposition, hinderance, objection, hostility and people fighting you for no reason are just the right amount of drive, impetus and push power that your need to catapult you forward towards success. A person who is driven and inspired to succeed acts according to their belief in GOD [Mark 11:23]. And a person who believes in the Word written in Scripture that all things are possible for them, will press on and will not quit [Mark 9:23]. GOD put everything you need for Creating Success, the intentional action, inside of you.

You, light of the world and salt of the earth, were designed and created to bring colour and flavour to this earthly world. GOD made you unique and the Word that He has given over your life is also just as novel as you are. GOD put everything you need for Creating Success, the intentional action, inside of you.


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