God Has Not Changed His Mind About You

God Has Not Changed His Mind About You

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain – John 15:16. 

When we were called into sonship, Jesus warns us that in this world we will have troubles, but He reassures us that we should take heart because He has overcome the world for us! When we come across trials and temptations, the ruler of this world tries to derail us and tells us that we are far from God and we cannot be used by Him but God tells us that He chose us, we didn’t choose Him.

James tells us that we should count it all joy knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience and that we should let patience have its perfect work in us that we may be complete and lacking nothing. This is the heritage of the children of  God, that no matter what the enemy throws at us, we are victorious.

In Matthew we are told that he that endures till the end will be saved, so we delight ourselves in the Lord and patiently wait for His coming and our eternal reward. Take heart Child of God, God has not changed His mind about you and you will see the goodness of God in the land of the living; just remain in Him that you may continue to do His will and receive all that He has promised!


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