[Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need – Matthew 5:3]
Of late I’ve been going through a lot, and been finding it impossible to overcome. I would try all I could, holding here and there but my efforts would avail nothing. I cried and sought help from no one because in my head I did not want anyone to see I was struggling. The best option was for me to ignore my situation. The lack of victory showed me that there must be something I was doing wrong. It took me time to understand that most often in an attempt to put up a facade for the sake of fellow brethren and those still growing in the faith, we tend to make the mistake of taking that same attitude to GOD, who is our Father.
One of the reasons why Jesus Christ came to earth was because He saw that man was fallible, incapable of being perfect and righteous on his own and that he’d always need help. If we were capable on our own then there would be no need for Him to come, and to leave us with the Holy Spirit who is our ever present help. What kept King David going was that he knew and acknowledged that he had a Father and when things got too much for him he would turn to Him. He was never ashamed to admit his weaknesses and fears to GOD, and this is why He always came to his rescue.
GOD can do nothing about your situation unless you give it to Him. Most Christians prefer to put up a facade and it’s very understandable because they do not want those who look up to them to be discouraged when they see them crumble. Many maintain the “I don’t care” and “I can’t be bothered” attitude in fear of seeming fallible. You can be strong to everyone else but not to your Father and you can never outgrow your need for Him. You need GOD in every area of your life. Your ability to overcome is found in GOD alone. Submit to Him, draw nearer to Him, cry out to Him, He can only aid you if your need for His help is communicated to Him.
David was never ashamed to admit his weaknesses and fears to GOD, and this is why He always came to his rescue