Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you – Hebrews 13:17.
Yesterday’s teaching for me amplifies the state of rebellion of the modern Church. We are living on mantra’s that tell us that everything we need is within us, but this is a type of zeal without knowledge, because if we are not full of the Word and of the Spirit then whatever is within is not of God but of the devil. Because everything that is not influenced by the Spirit is soulish, carnal and of the senses it will never please God. So they tell us, and we even us Christians have adopted these things, so we tell ourselves, my power is from within, I am master of my own destiny, I am enough, this state of being waters the seeds of rebellion within if we have not dealt with them by the Word.
So as ‘self affirmations’ Christians we are very critical of the Church. Unjustifiably so, it’s all senses, it’s all born of rebellion. We sing along to the chorus of carnal man in damning and defying ministers, even mininsters of Christ Jesus, instead of sticking with the dictates of scripture. We don’t want to be led, point blank period! This in part can be attributed to upbringing as well, a lot of households are disorderly, respect is not taught because apparently it is an ancient teaching. Modernism says children are self sufficient and it shuns discipline, children grow up without instruction and as a result they can’t submit to authourity anywhere, they don’t know it! So when the world says Churches and their controlling Pastors are evil, instead of searching the scriptures and discerning by the spirit we are swayed by any and everything that agrees with our aspirations.
Order, discipline, decency, instruction, authority and submission are Kingdom proponents. As Christians instead of being carried about with our opinions and ‘beliefs’, we need to study these things, seek them out to undertand and live by them (Ephesians 5:10). This is how we will be pleasing to the Lord and lead fruitful lives. There are no special courtesies on the periphery of spiritual counsel, this is how we have countless weak, whiny and powerless Christian models, they openly and outwardly rebel against God’s Word and then turn around and claim that other Christians are holding them down, this is baseless and mad, God is not powerless to give us any and every desired outcome. The question is are we positioned and walking right and obediently towards God! Divine order is not designed to destroy. Let’s not even mention false Pastors because if we have the Spirit of God we know who’s false and who is legit, so there’s no point discussing the fake. Submitting to true ministers as unto Christ will not harm us regardless of what we may experience. Let us know the truth and be freed!
So when the world says Churches and their controlling Pastors are evil, instead of searching the scriptures and discerning by the spirit we are swayed by any and everything that agrees with our aspirations.