Sunday Message Summary, 21 February 2021
GOD gives richly to all of us all things to enjoy but those that receive from GOD must be ready to give (1Timothy 6:17-18), because anything we receive from GOD has a seed in it. This seed is what we should give back to GOD so that He multiplies it back to us. GOD therefore gives us a harvest, but we give Him a seed. In this way, we always have, and we never lack. Furthermore, by giving, sharing, and distributing to GOD we also store up a treasure in Heaven (1Timothy 6:19). Giving has influence for us both in Heaven and on Earth and is the only safe investment for eternity. The key however is to do what GOD wants us to do with what He gives us.
Everyone who receives or benefits from GOD has something to give. GOD will never ask us to give what He in the first place has not given us. Importantly though, giving is a spiritual act of worship, gratitude, faith, and love. It is an expression that GOD is our sole provider, so giving out of compulsion, coercion or constraint does not glorify GOD. Additionally, we must not necessarily give because there is a need because giving is a lifestyle and a spiritual act of love. God makes all grace to abound towards us when we give (2 Corinthians 9:7-8). This grace is extended because of giving so that we do not lack anything, always having more than enough, and enough to share, so when we lack, we must interrogate and examine our giving. Prayer, fasting, and studying Scriptures won’t do for us what giving will. When we give, our Father in Heaven rewards us, giving us back in multiples what we gave to Him in a seed form.
When we give, we should not publicise it, making a show of it, sounding a trumpet before us, lest we get the praises of man, but not the reward of GOD. Our giving must be done in secret, because giving is a spiritual act of love between man and his GOD (Matthew 6:1-4). Our hearts will always be in what we love, so the question we should be asking is: who or what do we love, and who or what do we give to? If we love GOD, our hearts, affections, and desires will always be in GOD and doing what pleases Him. Giving to GOD and sharing with the needy pleases Him. Giving exposes the heart, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The rich, young ruler had everything but lacked love, His test of love being a test of giving (Mark 10:17-22). Those who do not give therefore do not love GOD nor their fellow man.
One cannot serve GOD and be a keeper, scrooge, miser, or a hoarder (Matthew 6:24). We must use money and possessions, and not love these or worship them. We must instead use money and possessions to worship GOD, to win souls to the Kingdom, and to bless others. If we put GOD first, GOD puts us first.
Giving is a spiritual act of worship, gratitude, faith, and love.