Entering His Rest

Entering His Rest

Friday, 12 March 2021

“But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint” – Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

We live in a world where everyone is in a hurry to achieve something. People feel that they need to slave themselves to the brink of death so that they can receive what they desire. They associate wealth with how much suffering they have to endure. We Christians are slightly different in that we know and understand that every good and perfect gift is from the LORD and only He gives the power to create wealth. This does not mean we should be lazy and only put in half effort and expect miraculous results.

“The LORD’s blessing enriches, and He adds no painful effort to it” (Proverbs 10:22 CSB). This is what the world does not understand, true blessings from GOD don’t give you sleepless nights. We are always at peace and we are not fearful that one day we’ll wake up and everything will be gone. In the above scripture (Isaiah) we can see that those that wait on the LORD will be glad that they did. Though to the world, it may seem like we are stagnant, in the spirit we are sprinting faster than Usain Bolt. Our perceived lack of action or effort is actually achieving a far greater result. The waiting is pleasing to GOD because it proves that we have put all our trust in Him, we are under His rest.

The secret is in knowing when to move and when to wait. The waiting is thee most challenging thing to do because it’s unnatural, it goes against every fiber of our DNA. This is why to the world it looks like laziness and accepting defeat, but to us, it’s the time when GOD is busy fighting our battles. And when GOD then instructs us to move, we run and never grow weary. This is when we can move around because we know that we are in the perfect will of GOD for our lives. The Bible teaches us that those that trust in the LORD will never be put to shame, so we move with confidence knowing that He watches over our every move. It all starts with waiting.

Waiting is pleasing to GOD because it proves that we have put all our trust in Him, we are under His rest.


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