By Obeying Our Leaders We’re Obeying GOD

By Obeying Our Leaders We’re Obeying GOD

Thursday, 24 June 2021

“Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God” Colossians 3:22 NKJV

We can either spend eternity wondering why we are here, or we can choose to find our purpose in Christianity, which in itself is our calling. I still remember how I felt when I first started attending the ministry. All I  wanted was to hear the Word of God and be in His presence, to be filled with His Spirit and go home. Little did I know that the more of His Spirit I received, the deeper in love with His church and His people I would fall. It is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit and not want to serve in God’s Kingdom, to not want to offer their time, skills, services, or finances to the building and expansion of His church. 

We cannot say we have given our lives to Christ if we are still struggling in the areas of serving and obedience to His chosen servants. Personally, I don’t know where I would be today if I had not allowed my spiritual father to lead me in the plans GOD had for my life. By obeying our leaders we are obeying GOD, we are expressing our love for Him and all that He has called us to. 

It is not always easy to give of ourselves to the things of GOD, especially when serving feels like an inconvenience. But this is why we have to rely completely on the Holy Spirit who gives us the desire and the strength to serve from our hearts. Yes, the enemy will sometimes attack the resources and the things that make it easy for us to serve, but this also allows us to completely rely on GOD and to prove our loyalty to Him.

“And he has generously given each one of us supernatural grace, according to the size of the gift of Christ,” Ephesians 4:7 TPT. GOD is calling us to trust Him. We have to know that He has given those He has appointed to lead us supernatural powers beyond our own understanding. We need to feel safe in their hands as He is using them to lead us on this journey. Our calling in Christianity does not have to be a hard chore. We already unquestioningly give of ourselves to our jobs and careers (which have no eternal rewards), so alternatively it should be easy for us to give of ourselves to our true purpose for being here: the Kingdom of God.

We cannot say we have given our lives to Christ if we are still struggling in the areas of serving and obedience to His chosen servants


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