Be Ye Doers Of The Word, And Not Hearers Only

Be Ye Doers Of The Word, And Not Hearers Only

Monday, 05 July 2021

“Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.” – Acts 4:32

“Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.” – Acts 2:44-45

The disparities witnessed in the world should not exist in the Church if the word of God is what we live by. It shouldn’t be obvious who is extremely blessed and who is extremely needy in the Church. Or should it? We still haven’t gotten it right, at least we are not imitating the saints of the first Church according to scripture, because the Bible says: ‘neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own’, we are a long way from here. I don’t know exactly what needs to happen but the instructions are clear, as the Pastor said (message: Born For Such A Time As This, by Dr Thana Sedibe, dated: 4 July 2021) we have in our Church (KOSM) people who can’t make monthly rent/bond to the extent that some are losing their houses, we have brethren who can’t buy groceries monthly, let alone weekly sustenance. We have believers in our midst whose children have only one pair of shoes. They are in our midst, they church with us, in our Spirit-filled and loving Church. This is not a message of condemnation, it’s a call to repentance. The LORD is perfecting us, and this is part of our KPIs in fruit-bearing. Pray tell, after we’ve heard such a message in July 2021, what will our Church look like in December 2021? What will the disparity gaps look like? Will we only have said ‘Amen Pastor, injalo’, to this alert message from the LORD, or will we have changed lives, with some having made significant sacrifices and some having made significant gains, because of obedience, selflessness, and love?!

Will we only have said ‘Amen Pastor, injalo’, to this alert message from the LORD, or will we have changed lives, with some having made significant sacrifices and some having made significant gains, because of obedience, selflessness, and love?!


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