Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God” – Matthew 22:29 NLT.
The benefits, promises or blessings God has bountifully given us are spiritual. They’re decked out in His word for our sake to take them. His word is spiritual, as well. Our minds cannot comprehend it. Our own intellect, no matter how astute, is unfruitful in this area. Spiritual things are only taught and revealed to us by the Spirit. He enables us to understand what is written in the Word for us, and thus gives us knowledge of these things.
When we presume to understand the Word without the Spirit we fall into error because of ignorance. We end up talking about things we have neither understanding, nor knowledge of. God has the ability or power to make us possess in reality what the Word is talking about. The people in our reference Scripture were presumptuous and full of ignorance of what God could do. They taught Scriptures without the understanding the Spirit gives, and were ignorant of the very substance of the Scriptures and were deep in error.
The same thing happens to us when we treat the Word with carelessness, thoughtlessness, superficiality, irresponsibility and irreverence. The Word is living and full of power. Whatever it promises, it has the power to deliver. When we’re taught the Word by the Spirit we become partakers of its life and power, and are no longer in error because of ignorance. Everything written in the Word was written for us to possess and enjoy. Let’s set our minds not on knowing the Word only, but on personally knowing by experience it’s life and power, and possessing by faith what it promises.