Sunday Message Summary, 9 July 2023
According to Isaiah 54:17, anyone who accuses or judges us we shall condemn. We shall put down the accusation, because when we are standing it is not in our own righteousness, but it is GOD who acquits us of all wrongdoing. GOD is sympathetic, merciful, gracious, and loving towards us. God’s forgiveness is instant when we confess our sins (John 8:11-12 NKJV). He is reliable and faithful to forgive us our sins and to remove the guilt, stain, and punishment of our wrongdoing (1 John 1:9-10 NKJV). Even though we may remember our wrongdoing, GOD doesn’t. That’s the grace and mercy of GOD on us. Who is man then to accuse the servants of GOD? We should therefore not listen to accusing tongues, but we should run to GOD. GOD does not want anyone to be on our case, but the only One who matters in our lives is the One who has put His righteousness in place to make us right with Him. The only thing that matters and stands in the presence of GOD is the righteousness of GOD, not our good behavior, not our good works, but the grace of GOD (Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV).
While we judge, accuse, and condemn, GOD doesn’t. If we accuse a brother of sin and wrongdoing, we are saying that we ourselves have no sin (John 8:7 NKJV). In this way we are deceived, and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8,10 NKJV). Without GOD none of us are innocent, so we have no right to accuse others. We are not standing by our own righteousness, but God’s righteousness. If we hold against a person what GOD has removed, we are the ones sinning, because whatever we charge against a person, we charge against GOD. It is possible for a believer to be overtaken by sin, so when we sin it doesn’t surprise GOD, but it only surprises the self-righteous. If we are judging another, we are self-deceived, no better than the person we are judging and condemning, and we are nothing before GOD (Galatians 6:3 NKJV). People rise and fall to their GOD and not to us. Accusing, judging, and condemning others only makes us blind to our own sins and makes us hypocrites.
We need to hear what GOD says concerning a brother who has fallen into sin. Importantly, our minds, emotions, and feelings are not the voice of GOD. We must then go by the Word of GOD, not according to our hurt. While those who are carnal seek public humiliation, GOD does not judge nor condemn, but He restores. We too must be godly and have a holy motive (Galatians 6:1-3 NLT). The motive of those who are carnal is wrong, but those who are spiritual know that there is no child of GOD who plans to sin. There is no one led by the Spirit who will go and accuse, judge, and condemn because the fruit that the Spirit of GOD produces in us is the fruit of gentleness, love, peace, kindness, and forgiveness (Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV). The Holy Spirit does not produce anger, bitterness, hate nor unforgiveness. We cannot accuse, judge, and condemn anyone in the presence of Grace, because Grace convicts but does not accuse, judge, nor condemn. Grace silences any accusing tongue, and He is still silencing accusers today (John 8:10-12 NKJV). Whether or not we are standing aright, Jesus is still interceding for us.
Grace convicts but does not accuse, judge, nor condemn. Grace silences any accusing tongue, and He is still silencing accusers today.