The Miracle Of One

The Miracle Of One

Sunday Message Summary, 27 August 2023

There is a mystery concerning oneness and unity in the spirit. In Genesis 11:1-9, when the people of Babel sought to build themselves a city and a tower whose top is the heavens, the people were so united that unless the LORD confused their language, no one could stop them. The people of Babel were united concerning their own purpose, so how much more can we achieve as Christians when we agree as one concerning God’s purpose? The Church cannot grow when it is not united. Until we become like-minded as the Church, we will neither see GOD, nor will the fullness of the glory manifest. Being like-minded means having one reason and one purpose: Jesus Christ.

Oneness is the cornerstone of the Kingdom of GOD. The Holy Spirit is transforming us into unity with Jesus, transforming us to become like Him (1 John 3:2 NKJV). This is the core of Christianity. We are progressively being made into being one with Christ, and the moment we become one with the LORD, we cannot be separated from Him (1 Corinthians 6:17 NKJV). Furthermore, being one with the LORD in spirit also means being one with one another in spirit, love, and thought, having the mind of Christ, setting our minds on things above (Philippians 2:2 NIV). As the Church, we must be like-minded insofar as being mindful of the things of GOD is concerned.

Spiritual maturity is arrived at in oneness, in unity of the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of GOD (Ephesians 4:11-13 NIV). Spiritual maturity is when we have the same faith and the same knowledge of Christ, when the Holy Spirit gives us revelation of the faith, the Gospel, the Word of GOD, and Jesus Christ.  We should all aspire to spiritual maturity, but we will always be baby Christians without this revelation. Christ, the Head and the centrepiece of the Church, is the One we must grow up into (Ephesians 4:14-16 NKJV), not growing up in our churches nor growing up in serving.

We were all created and born to manifest GOD, and so the gifts of the Spirit are given to each one of us for the manifestation of Christ. However, the Holy Spirit manifests powerfully when we walk in oneness and unity, because when GOD blesses, He blesses the whole unit. There ought to be cooperation and coordination. To achieve anything of significance and permanence, there must be sacrifice for the benefit of all (1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 11 NKJV). The exceeding greatness of power is released upon mature Christians, i.e., the like-minded, walking in the unity of faith, purpose, and love. If we are not team members nor team players, the Holy Spirit will not give us a revelation of Christ.

Spiritual maturity is when we have the same faith and the same knowledge of Christ.


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