Who Is Your Enzyme?

Who Is Your Enzyme?

Friday, 15 September 2023

“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from GOD, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by GOD” – Romans 13:1 NLT

When you ingest a carbohydrate-rich meal, the body has to break down the carbohydrates (starch) into simple sugars (glucose) that your body can use to create energy to fuel your body. The body on its own cannot break down this complex starch and requires a protein called amylase. This amylase is found in your saliva, and as soon as you ingest your food it begins to break down starch into simple sugars. Amylase falls into a group of molecules known as enzymes. These are proteins that speed up reactions in your body, and without them, the body wouldn’t function properly. So the body needs these enzymes and without them, biological reactions in our bodies wouldn’t occur.

Using the analogy of enzymes and starch we can also appreciate how the Kingdom works. The body (church) tries to assimilate starch (the Word of GOD, anointing, blessings) and requires enzymes (pastors) to make the whole process possible. As a body, we can try to assimilate all the blessings we need in the Kingdom, but unfortunately, without the right enzyme (pastor /men of GOD) our efforts will be in vain. GOD has strategically placed pastors in our lives to help us grow and be effective in the Kingdom. He doesn’t require our blessing or agreement to do so. Whether we respect the chosen vessel or not, doesn’t change the fact that they are our allocated, GOD-chosen vessels. When we submit and honor them, we are giving glory to the One who has commissioned them. Unfortunately, the opposite also applies, and when we rebel against them and their leadership we are rebelling against GOD (the One who has commissioned them). It always amazes me when brethren don’t submit to their GOD-ordained and allocated leaders, yet they claim to know and hear from GOD(self-deception). The problem also is that you may be allocated a leader that ALWAYS rubs you off the wrong way and maybe you can justify your rebellion, but unfortunately, that still doesn’t change GOD’s appointment.

“Now they were steadfastly continuing in the teaching of the apostles, and in the fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and the prayers” Acts 2:42 BLB. I love how there’s always order when it comes to the things of the Kingdom. In the above scripture, you can see that the first priority was submission to GOD-ordained leadership. They devoted (NIV translation) themselves to their teaching, meaning they submitted themselves to their pastors and their teachings /counsel. And when they did this, anointing fell on them (verse 43) as evidenced by many wonders and signs that were performed in their midst. Something that would NEVER have happened had they rebelled against them. The Bible then says, they were together and had everything in common as they all had one goal /objective. If you have ten people who are standing in a straight line and are fifteen meters apart from each other, if you were to ask all of them to walk towards a single object, what will eventually happen is that they will come together side by side as they get closer and closer to the object. In the same way, if we are all converging towards one goal, we will inevitably be united. This is what happened with the old church, they were all pulling in one direction. And this is one of the reasons why GOD added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Everything in the Kingdom has order, and just because sometimes there may be disorder, it doesn’t change the fact that GOD has order and He requires and expects it from us. This order first starts with respecting, submitting, and honoring the pastors He’s placed us under. They are the enzyme that speeds up our growth and unlock all the treasures GOD has prepared for us. Without them, no amount of praying and fasting will twist GOD’s hand in the matter. So the question then remains: Who is your enzyme?

Everything in the Kingdom has order, and just because sometimes there may be disorder, it doesn’t change the fact that GOD has order and He requires and expects it from us


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