Sunday Message Summary, 01 October 2023
Ezekiel 37:1-3 sets the scene for us. Ezekiel sees a vision in the spirit and he is also in the vision, interacting with GOD. GOD took Ezekiel to an open valley full of dry bones and made him go around the valley because HE wanted Ezekiel to be certain that the bones did not have the slightest trace of life left in them. Even in this dried up state that he can see clearly, Ezekiel knows better than to think, let alone say to GOD, that the bones cannot live again when GOD asks Him. GOD then commands Ezekiel to speak and prophesy to the bones and instruct these dead dry bones to hear (and comply with) the word of the LORD [Ezekiel 37:4]. Why would GOD do this; why would GOD command Ezekiel to use HIS word in this manner? The Bible tells us 3 things – (1) GOD, by using His word, calls those things that do not exist as though they do; (2) GOD gives life to the dead; and (3) the things that are seen or exist, were not made of things that are visible.
Firstly, when GOD wants something, He calls for it out of nothing, just as He called light into existence out of utter darkness. In practical terms, this tells us that GOD calls our breakthrough out of our challenges, struggles, frustrations, and HE does this so that we know and understand that HE is GOD. The hard times and difficulties (the nothing) are the raw materials that GOD uses to give us our turnaround (the everything). Do not worry about the darkness in your life, because just as GOD called light out of darkness with just HIS word, and just as Jesus told Martha “…did I not say to you that if you would believe in Me, you will see the glory of GOD…?” [John 11:40], now too it shall be in the darkest hour of your life when GOD shows up, gloriously. We need to start recognizing and believing that the very thing that causes us to seek the face of GOD, to cry to GOD, and to call out to HIM, is a blessing in disguise because Paul says – “Our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” 2 Corinthians 4:17.
On the second point, there is truly no reason for us to despair if we understand how GOD operates because GOD gives life. GOD created us, HE created our souls and spirit, and thus our souls and spirit will respond only to the word of GOD. David knew and understood how GOD operates and how powerfully potent the word of GOD is, and this is why in the wake of the destruction and mayhem left by the Amalekites, he sought encouragement and counsel from the LORD [1 Samuel 30:4,6 and 8]. By following the word given by GOD in counsel to David, David and his men were able to recover what the Amalekites had taken and then some. The word of GOD is living and powerful, so much so that GOD Himself says that HIS word will never return void without accomplishing what HE pleases and its purpose [Isaiah 55:11]. If we are to apply the David approach to our Amalekites’ situations, this would mean – (i) that our greatest miracles yet are in our adversity; (ii) that we would take care not to speak carelessly or idle words; and (iii) that we would speak the word of GOD to all our situations. The only thing that we need to conquer all the miserable feelings in our spirit is the word of GOD, and the word must be the true word from GOD for it to accomplish the impossible.
The Bible reminds us that we are not to be discouraged by the lack of evidence of the things that we need, want, or desire, and/or the utter hopelessness that surrounds us. Instead, we need to focus our minds on the things that cannot be seen. Our faith and hope are not based on the improvement of the circumstances that we can see, but on the long-lasting things that are yet to come [2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT]. As men and women of faith, we must thank GOD and praise GOD before we receive, before our situations are turned around.
GOD has a vested interest in our situation, in coming through for us, because it brings HIM the glory. So if the word of GOD has left HIS mouth, then it will, most surely, achieve what it says it will [Isaiah 55:11]; and when we speak and continue to speak the word of GOD, we also speak the prophetic message of GOD into being [Ezekiel 37:5-6]. Sometimes GOD will give a word that will take you up to a certain extent [Ezekiel 37:7-8], and when you get there, you will need another word for the next step – we need the word of GOD for every step of the way because for every new level there are new instructions [Ezekiel 37:9-10]. This is why man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD [Matthew 4:4 referenced in Deuteronomy 8:3]. When we go through hard times, we are often overcome by circumstances and we neglect the word of GOD, but GOD sees great opportunity in our adversity, HE loves us (fallible and all) and calls us to the throne of grace, where HE will put the Holy Spirit in us to restore and revive us.
Let us strive to be like the Prophet Ezekiel, who did not allow what he saw to influence what he believed GOD was and what he believed the word of GOD could do. He heard, believed, and spoke the word of GOD, and what he saw changed; And much like him, for us to change the scenery (what we see), we need to change the sound (what we say).
GOD sees great opportunity in our adversity