Thursday, 14 December 2023
”They do not belong to the world, in the same way that I do not belong to the world. Help them to belong completely to you, as they follow the truth. Your message is the truth.“ – John 17:16-17 EASY
Right now it would seem that the more we hear the Word of GOD, take it in, and partake in it, the clearer we become on who we actually are in Christ. There is also a great awakening taking place in the world and even more so amongst believers and we cannot deny the deep spiritual transformations that are happening. All I can say is that this is truly a glorious time for Christians and if we can allow The Almighty to open us up to all that there is, the greater we will become and the higher we will go in the spirit.
The promises of GOD are laid out right there in front of us and we can only appropriate them when we realize that, not only are we worthy of them, but it brings The Father great joy to see us live lives that He intended for us in the first place. It’s so easy for us to see the people of the world live a certain life and feel envious but who we are and what we are is so much greater, and we continue to short-change ourselves when we take our eyes off of the one who is the King of Kings and our Creator. Jesus is the only one who can make us and offer us everything that is not only beyond this physical realm but is a mystery and a wonder to those around us.
”My thoughts,” says the LORD, “are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours.“ Isaiah 55:8-9 GNT. Our mindset MUST change and align with The LORD’s mindset. This is the only way we will see things through His eyes and begin to operate in the realms that HE operates in. We cannot under any circumstance embrace what repulses GOD. Poverty is a sin and entertaining the struggle of life truly does not honour Him in any way. We will one day have to give an account of what we did with our time on earth, and I am inclined to believe that, presenting scars of self-inflicted pain will not by any means earn us brownie points.
So instead of complaining about how those in the world seem to be doing better, let us fight to transcend and to operate in realms that are open to us as new creations and as those who are of Christ. GOD is so much bigger than we can imagine and if we truly believe we have been created in His image and likeness, then being as He is and creating as He does should not be a thing of intimidation or doubt. This is our calling in the faith.
Jesus is the only one who can make us and offer us everything that is not only beyond this physical realm but is a mystery and a wonder to those around us