Not About Me. Not From Or For Me.

Not About Me. Not From Or For Me.

Thursday, 18 January 2024

”But if it is by grace [GOD’s unmerited favor], it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace [it would not be a gift but a reward for works].“ – Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭6‬ ‭AMP‬‬

I’ve always found it fascinating how different we all are as human beings. How something can be a deep challenge to one person and the easiest to the next. Yes, our backgrounds, genetics, and personalities play a great part in how we turn out and the direction we take in life. But what I’ve also noticed is that, in the Kingdom of GOD, for anyone to do something that looks effortless, it takes the absolute grace of GOD. Especially because most of the time what the person does, does not necessarily come naturally. For example, someone can be painfully shy in general but turn into a force of power when ministering the Word. Then you get a person who is not so versed in scripture (myself for example…) but when conversing or teaching, suddenly scriptures come up in a way that seems so effortless. This is the love and grace of GOD which we know does not come from anything we could or could not have done. It’s all by the Spirit of the living GOD.

”Now when the men of the Sanhedrin (Jewish High Court) saw the confidence and boldness of Peter and John and grasped the fact that they were uneducated and untrained [ordinary] men, they were astounded, and began to recognize that they had been with Jesus.“ Acts‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬ ‭AMP‬‬. Spending time with Jesus is the best and quickest way to recognize the graces He has bestowed upon us and to also understand what those gifts are there for and how they are meant to benefit the Church.

There’s always something supernatural about how the grace of GOD operates in a person. For example, (and this will sound crazy…) for as long as I can remember random people would always gravitate towards me in a place, and for reasons I never understood, they would pour out their hearts and even tell me things they’d never shared with anyone. Very often they themselves would be surprised as to why they did that. But with time I realised that GOD had given me the grace to comfort and to pray for others. No matter how I’m feeling or what kind of day I’m having, something in my spirit opens up to the person sharing their burden. I know for a FACT this is GOD because, in my sober and fleshly state, I am not interested in people’s business, and rarely do I ever go out of my way to find out anything personal about them. So if anything comes to me, I already know the assignment is to pray and comfort if GOD permits.

It is easy to start despising the grace and judging it as a burden or a party trick when we are not operating in our callings and are idle observers in the Kingdom of GOD. Our love for Christ should always be the fuel that propels us to want to do everything we can for Him in His church. The man of GOD once said it is important for us to ask ourselves while we are still alive what we are doing for GOD. The only response that came into my heart as Ofentse, was “Not enough. I’m not doing nearly enough for GOD.” There are many who have given their entire beings to ensuring they use up absolutely EVERYTHING GOD has put in them for the Kingdom. This is because they understand that their gifts are not about them or for them. It’s not their power or strength that does the work. ”So He answered and said to me: “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts.“ Zechariah‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

We will be held accountable for all that we were given, and the one thing we as believers can agree on is that the time is short, and if truly in this season GOD is going to restore the gift of time in our lives, then we must use that time wisely and for the benefit of His church. He’s already given us all we need for good works.

It is easy to start despising the grace and judging it as a burden or a party trick when we are not operating in our callings and are idle observers in the Kingdom of GOD


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