Perspective: The Key To Unlocking The Supernatural

Perspective: The Key To Unlocking The Supernatural

Friday, 23 February 2024

For the director of music. To the tune of “The Doe of the Morning.” A psalm of David. “My GOD, my GOD, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?” – Psalm 22:1 NIV

When we discuss the application and challenges of faith, our discussion can’t be exhausted and done justice without also discussing the movie The Matrix (I am what I am). The wilderness is like a crossroads in your walk of faith, and your perspective and posture will determine how you will go through it (It’s not a matter of if it comes, it’s when it comes). On the one hand, you have Neo who doesn’t want to accept that he is “the one”. He rejects his calling and decides he wants nothing to do with it. The oracle had told him that he would come to a crossroads where he’ll have to decide, either he dies, or Morpheus (his mentor) does. At that precise moment, he’ll have to make a choice. Lo and behold, he reaches the crossroads, and at that moment, he rises above the tough situation and in the process walks in his calling. He then realizes that he is indeed “the one” and in the process performs miracles. The wilderness created an atmosphere that allowed him to come into his own.

On the other hand, you have Cypher who was rescued from the Matrix (Egypt) and is currently on his journey to Zion (Canaan, the promised land). He realizes that the wilderness isn’t as easy as he thought it would be. Like the Israelites, he thought leaving Egypt meant he was always going to be enjoying milk and honey. He then decides that the Matrix (Egypt) is way better than going through this seemingly never-ending wilderness. He betrayed everyone and chose to return to his default setting, choosing to return to that which is familiar to him. He decides that the journey with its challenges and tests, isn’t for him and he wants to return to what’s familiar. And as a result, he forfeits his destiny and never realizes his full potential.

In our spiritual walk, there will be seasons of wilderness that stretch us to the point of almost breaking. These seasons are not comfortable and our history and past experiences can not assist us. We are in the land of the unknown. No amount of money or connection can get you through them. You will feel like you are alone and no one can comprehend or understand what you are going through. Every fiber in your body wants to quit, yet this is the precise moment that your inner man is thriving. It’s these situations that gave rise to people like Caleb, Stephen, and Gideon. These are people who refused to let the suffering of their flesh, and the suffering of their current predicament, to dictate their posture and confession. These are the moments you might be tempted to ask the LORD to remove this thorn that is piercing your flesh, yet the same LORD tells you to endure (2 Corinthians 12:9) as the victory that is waiting at the end far outweighs the pain that you are enduring (Romans 8:18). It’s these moments where though physically you are on the back foot, the spirit man is soaring like an eagle (Isaiah 40:30-31).

The wilderness, besides building up your strength and character (James 1:2-4), creates an atmosphere that’s conducive, rich, and pregnant with signs, miracles, and wonders. Those in the Bible who did great exploits for the LORD, did them when they were under immense pressure and challenges ( e.g. Apostles persecuted by Pharisees). It’s when you are stretched and you’ve come to the end of yourself that you surrender your will to GOD, this is the precise moment you can hear and see GOD’s hand in your predicament clearly (spiritual 20:20 vision). These are the moments when the least in their families (the unqualified) rise up and deliver their people from bondage. The answer lies in your perspective. “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” (Philippians 3:13 NIV). Just keep moving.

It’s when you are stretched and you’ve come to the end of yourself that you surrender your will to GOD, this is the precise moment you can hear and see GOD’s hand in your predicament clearly (spiritual 20:20 vision)


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