It’s Not Just About The Destination, But The Journey Towards It

It’s Not Just About The Destination, But The Journey Towards It

Friday, 15 March 2024

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

I remember in high school, I loved geometry and algebra. What I liked the most was when we did quizzes where you had to prove a rule or a problem. For example, they would ask that you prove that D=E. It wasn’t enough that you knew the final answer, but you had to prove and show how you got to the conclusion. I then realised that before I proved that D=E, I first needed to prove that D=C, which is also equal to B, and also equal to A. These first steps are very crucial in proving your final answer. You can’t skip a step just because you know the final answer, you had to show and prove that you have fulfilled the first steps that will pave a way for you to reach your final conclusion.

In the same way I was confronted with those math quizzes, Christianity is also strict, in that, before you get to your eventual desired destination, there are processes and steps you first need to fulfil and satisfy. In the above Scripture, GOD lays down all the critical steps He requires from those who are His, those who are called in His name. Those who are called by His name ought to humble themselves, pray and seek His face. I approached the first step the same way I approached algebra, you’ll realise that you CAN’T pray and seek His face if you haven’t HUMBLED yourself. In all your interactions with Him, humility must ALWAYS be at the forefront. This is the A in the equation, humility.

The next step of praying and seeking His face isn’t enough, if this isn’t accompanied by repentance. When you pray and seek Him you always have to TURN from your wicked ways. Repentance has to follow humility and the seeking of GOD. In Ephesians 4:1, Apostle Paul highlights the importance of living a life that is worthy of our calling. This means that we can’t seek Him if our lives are still tainted with the blasphemous desires of the flesh. Praying and seeking His face also requires repentance from our side. This is the B and C of the equation.

Once we have repented and turned away from our wicked ways, GOD promises that He will hear the prayers we present before Him. It’s the humility and repentance that renders and transforms our prayers/supplications into sweet smelling aromas that are very pleasing before the LORD. GOD receives them and He then ASSURES us that He will forgive our sin. The D in our equation.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33 NIV). When we pursue Jesus with all sincerity and truth, the Bible promises that GOD will come near to us and He will reward us. The catch is this pursuit has to be sincere, as GOD can see what’s in our heart. This is why David in Psalm 139:23-24 examined his heart before he started his pursuit of GOD. When we seek Jesus with pure intentions, our reward will always be worth the sacrifice. I say sacrifice because unlike salvation that was given freely, the Kingdom will require sacrifice. You will be stretched to almost breaking point, and when you have stood the test you will receive a crown of glory (James 1:12). This is the E of the equation, a fellowship with the King of kings. It’s at this point that He will heal our land and restore us to our rightful place.

When we seek Jesus with pure intentions, our reward will always be worth the sacrifice. I say sacrifice because, unlike salvation that was given freely, the Kingdom will require sacrifice. You will be stretched to almost breaking point, and when you have stood the test you will receive a crown of glory (James 1:12).


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