Thursday, 02 May 2024
”We love, because He first loved us. If anyone says, “I love GOD,” and hates (works against) his [Christian] brother he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love GOD whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves GOD should also [unselfishly] love his brother and seek the best for him.“ – 1 John 4:19-21 AMP
Our relationship with others is a direct reflection of our relationship with GOD. We cannot claim to love GOD and then turn around and hate those He created in His likeness and image. We are not being truthful nor are we truly born again if we find it difficult to love others, because being born again of the Holy Spirit means the Spirit of GOD is now living in us, and how HE feels is exactly how we will feel, and how He is towards other is how we ought to be to others. Mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and love, flow from the heart of GOD, and thus should flow easily through us, and if they don’t, then we are resisting the natural workings of Christ. That is not who He is and if we claim to be His representatives yet hate, then we are deeply deceived and our salvation is in question.
We are often so focused on looking for romantic love in order to fill a void in ourselves, that we forget that we ourselves are love and we carry enough of it in us to leave no room for darkness. If we cannot love our fellow man, then it’s impossible that we will love our desired partners in a manner that honors both them and GOD. It’s human nature to disappoint and hurt others. Even those we claim to love wholeheartedly. But if we make forgiveness our go to response, then maybe we can begin to heal the world one person at a time. We are taught that loving and forgiving is a sign of weakness, yet Apostle Paul said, ”I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.“
2 Corinthians 12:10 GNT
I realized quite early on, that the Holy Spirit truly is our helper and He is happy to assist us in all situations. There have been many many situations that have had me believe it’s impossible to respond in love here, and if I were to hate and not forgive, I would be justified. GOD does not ask us anything that He has not already given us. So in such situations, one benefits greatly by offering a simple prayer. “Holy Spirit please help me to love. Help me to respond in love during this deeply unkind and unloving situation.” GOD is faithful. And if there’s a prayer He answers instantly, it is one that reflects His true nature and character in the midst of darkness.
There is absolutely no excuse for hate and unkindness for a Believer. If there’s ever anything that deserves us to fight for with all we have, it is to remain loving in an unloving world. To be the light in a quickly darkening world, and to be the salt of the earth that fights to preserve the goodness of GOD through and by love.
Our relationship with others is a direct reflection of our relationship with GOD. We cannot claim to love GOD and then turn around and hate those He created in His likeness and image.