Storing Old Manna In The Freezer For Later Consumption

Storing Old Manna In The Freezer For Later Consumption

Friday, 24 May 2024

“I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope.” – Psalm 130:5 NIV

There are companies that provide meals for families that don’t have time to cook. You can buy a month’s supply of food that is vacuum-sealed and can last for months. You can buy seventy-two meals and put them in the freezer, and every day you take out a meal, microwave it, and just eat. The benefit of this is that you don’t have to worry about groceries and what you have to cook every day. The food is in your freezer and the only stress you have is having to decide which meal to have on that particular day.

“Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day” Exodus 16:4a NIV. When the Israelites were complaining about starvation, GOD provided them with manna so that they may eat and not starve. The only catch was that they needed to depend on Him providing manna every single day. They weren’t allowed to store manna from the previous day and consume it the next day. They collected what was needed for the day, and any leftovers weren’t allowed to be consumed another day. This means that their sustenance came from GOD every single day. This is a level of faith that is rarely encountered these days. Literally waiting and trusting GOD to come through for you every single day. Not relying on yesterday’s provision, but relying on His daily mercies and faithfulness. How many of us could honestly say that we wait and rely on GOD’s provision every single day? How many can say that we are nourished by His daily manna? Or have we previously received manna and have set up camp on it and still rely on its provisions months down the line? Are we relying on provisions that were meant for a particular season? Unlike with meal preps, where I can store food for months in the freezer, and when I open it would still be fresh and good for my body, the old manna can’t be vacuum-sealed and stored for future consumption.

“Come near to GOD and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded” James 4:8 NIV. Revival is here so that we may draw closer to GOD and rely on His daily sustenance, and not on old revelations or old manna. It forces us to discard old provisions and old revelations for a new Word that will elevate us to a new level. In bodybuilding, if you exercise with a 10kg dumbbell, your muscles will develop and become bigger and stronger. After a time, you reach a point where the muscle doesn’t grow anymore if you are still using the 10kg dumbbell. The 10kg will maintain the muscle you already have but will not stimulate new growth. To build new muscle you must move up to a 15kg dumbbell. This is the same in the spirit. Last year’s manna or revelation will sustain you at a certain level, but will not grow you to a higher and more challenging level. The only thing that can grow and equip you further, is fresh manna from GOD. And this is why revival is very crucial, as it removes us from our comfort zones and forces us to seek the LORD for a new Word (Rhema).

In the same way that Super Saiyan level was enough to defeat Frieza, but the same level couldn’t even bruise Cell or Majin Bu. It is the same way that the spirit man can’t grow stronger with last year’s manna that defeated last year’s adversaries, it now requires a new and fresher Word, as this year’s adversaries are on steroids. Revival makes us relevant and usable by GOD to impact our surroundings and communities.

The only thing that can grow and equip you further, is fresh manna from GOD. And this is why revival is very crucial, as it removes us from our comfort zones and forces us to seek the LORD for a new Word (Rhema)


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