Friday, 26 July 2024
“All these people died still believing what GOD had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth” – Hebrew 11:13 NLT
GOD created us for His pleasure. He didn’t have to create us, and if you really understand this you’ll also come to a very crucial realization that GOD doesn’t owe you ANYTHING. Yet in His mercy and grace, He’s given us everything we need and everything our hearts desire. The promise of spending all eternity with Him is all that we need, yet in His faithfulness He’s given us, and still continues to give us, more than we need. This is why in our waiting for His promises to come to fruition, we ought always remember that He is the ultimate price.
When we have come to terms with this fact we then become patient when we wait on Him. Let me say it again, He doesn’t owe me anything, and so like the witnesses above, my faith and steadfastness will not be influenced or shifted should His promises not come to fruition. Who am I really pursuing, the giver or the gift? When you are pursuing the giver then the gift is a bonus. When I’m pursuing the giver the gift isn’t as important because I’m consumed and preoccupied by the giver who has revealed Himself to me. I’m content in all aspects of my existence as I possess the physical bread and the Spiritual one. What more could I want?
In our waiting, we also must not let circumstances and people rush us into circumventing what GOD has in store for us. Abram, in his wait, was convinced and influenced (Genesis 16) by his wife to rush the processes of GOD. As a result of this, the “gift” that they thought was from GOD became a nightmare and pest (Genesis 16:5). Sometimes we rush GOD and take matters into our own hands, and when things don’t turn out the way we had anticipated, we then put the blame on GOD. We blame Him when we take it upon ourselves to be our own “gods” and make things happen at our perceived “right” time. As a result, we now must deal with Ishmael instead of the Isaac GOD intended for us.
What I love about Abram is, when he realized he had messed up and almost jeopardized GOD’s plans for him, he humbled himself and came back to the One who had promised him. In our walk with the LORD, sometimes we will inevitably fall and stumble. We will become gods unto ourselves and move things around, and the consequences will be disastrous. It’s in these moments we ought to humble ourselves and go back to our GOD and make things right. It doesn’t matter how many times we fall, what’s important is how we choose to rise. David also fell and picked himself up and returned to his GOD in the same way Abram did.
“The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him” (Lamentations 3:25 ESV). While waiting on the LORD, spend that time seeking Him, seeking wisdom. As there will be silent whispers in your ear. There might be people who will try to convince and influence you. During these moments, ALWAYS remember that you must not stumble and get Ishmael, while you could have waited and received Isaac.
The promise of spending all eternity with Him is all that we need, yet in His faithfulness He’s given us, and still continues to give us, more than we need.