The Kingdom Principle that we look into today is this: the blessings of GOD make man rich, very rich. GOD has applied this principle consistently throughout the age of man. How do we know this? Where do we see this? I am glad you asked. Let us unpack just a few of those scenarios that have played out in Scripture. In Job 1:1-3 NKJV/AMP, Job is introduced to us as a good man who feared and indeed honored GOD, a man who abstained from evil deeds, blessed with 10 children, and the wealthiest and most respected person in that entire region. Job was a man so upright and blameless that he even came up in conversations between GOD and satan [Job1:6-10, 12; Job 2:2-6]. In these conversations, even the devil could not deny how much GOD has blessed, protected, and enriched Job, and greatly so. In this world, great riches can only come from one of two places—GOD or satan—and the devil knows all those whom he has made rich. And satan knew that Job became rich because GOD had blessed him to be rich.
The life of Job is but one testament to the principle. GOD blessed Job and made him very rich before He allowed satan to bring suffering into Job’s life. Even when he had endured losing his fortunes and suffering an affliction, Job emerged as a servant of GOD who spoke the truth about GOD. And being pleased with Job, GOD restores his fortunes by twice as much. [Job 1:10, 11-19; Job 2:6-8; Job 42:7, 10]. Testimonies of those whom GOD Blessed To Be Rich will naturally include Abraham, first and foremost. GOD spoke to Abraham directly and told him that greatness and blessings will be his, that he will be a tremendous source of blessing for others, and that all the people on earth will be blessed through him [Genesis 12:2-3 AMP/TPT]. Secondly, Abraham’s servant spoke on how GOD blessed Abraham to become very rich [Genesis 24:34-35 NASB]. Third is Isaac, whom GOD blessed to be rich and to continue to grow richer until he was very wealthy [Genesis 26:12-13 NASB]. And last, are the sons of Isaac (Esau and Jacob), both of whom received their father’s blessings, were blessed by GOD, and became very rich.
The Abraham Promise that is coined for all of us in Genesis 12:3, when GOD told Abraham that ‘all the families (people) of the earth shall be blessed through you’, is echoed in Genesis 22:18 where the angel of the Lord speaks to Abraham, pronouncing the Word from GOD that, ‘in your seed (in your descents, in Christ) all the nations (people) of the earth shall be blessed (and by Him shall bless themselves) because you have obeyed My voice” [Genesis 22:18 NASB/AMPC]. GOD makes good on the Abraham Promise in Genesis 12:3 and amplifies it with the pronouncement of more blessings in Genesis 22:18 simply because Abraham listened and obeyed the voice of GOD when he was instructed to offer Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham did not cower and be anxious, but he believed GOD for the promises that He had made and he boldly trusted the will of GOD for his life and the will of GOD for his son’s life.
GOD makes good on His promises and delivers the Abraham Promise scripted in Genesis 12:3 and Genesis 22:18, firstly to Abraham’s direct bloodline and secondly to all of us who believe that Jesus Christ is our LORD and Saviour. In Abraham’s direct bloodline, we see how the blessings and riches, testified to by Abraham’s servant, began with Abraham, moved from him to his son Isaac, then moved from his son to his grandsons Esau and Jacob, and further on to David and Solomon, all of whom were not just rich but very wealthy indeed. This is the same blessing that produced wealth in Job’s life. Where we are concerned, Jesus Christ is the promised seed of Abraham who was sent (and who came) for every single one of us who receive and accept Him to be blessed. For all those that receive and accept the Seed of Abraham as their LORD and Saviour, the Abraham Promise that you shall be Blessed To Be Rich in every area of your life is for you. This is the same blessing that produced wealth for Abraham’s direct bloodline, and it now covers us by faith, by the grace of GOD [Galatians 3:13-14 NASB].
The foundation of the Abraham Promise is set in the Scriptures, And the Abraham Promise is the blessing of GOD; It is the Kingdom principle that the blessings of GOD make a person rich. It is the same principle that GOD worked in Abraham’s life, the principle has not changed because HE is still the same GOD and HE does not change. Everything captured in the Bible clearly indicates that—(i) GOD is determined to bless all His people; and (ii) GOD wants us to be blessed Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, materially, and financially in areas of our lives. This is why it is so important for us to learn that faith begins where the will of GOD is known. When we know and can discern what the will of GOD is in any area of our lives, we will begin to believe GOD and pursue Him in that direction (whether it be healing, breakthrough, financial prosperity, whatever the case may be). It is the faith with actions, the faith that acts, the faith that does in the direction of the will of GOD which produces results of the Abraham Promise. This is how we access every provision that GOD has made for us by faith.
In contrast, when we do not believe, seek, and pursue GOD for something that is within the will of GOD, although it may rightfully be ours (and even though GOD may have rightfully made provision for it for us), we may never possess it because our faith could be found wanting in that area of our lives. This is why we could languish in poverty even though there is financial prosperity provided for us within the will of GOD and could die in sicknesses even though there is healing provided for us. We walk in ignorance, unable to discern the will of GOD concerning some areas of our lives, including the area of being Blessed To Be Rich. The fact that we do not possess the riches and wealth as yet, does not mean that the wealth is not the will of GOD for us or that GOD has not already made provision for it for us. And it is precisely at this point when we need to get to a place in the Spirit, where our spirit is settled and rested so that we can begin to commune with GOD—it is in the communion with GOD where the Holy Spirit finds us and put us on a path that is heading in the same direction as the will of GOD.
It is prophesied in Scripture that the good news of how GOD would put all mankind in right standing with Himself, through faith in our LORD Jesus Christ, was proclaimed in the Abraham Promise; Abraham believed and was blessed; And this means that those of us who are of faith and believe, are blessed in the exact same way that Abraham was [Galatians 3:8-9 NASB/AMPC/GNT]. In his letter to the church in Galatia, Apostle Paul quotes the Abraham Promise with the revelation that this is the gospel that GOD preached to Abraham. The gospel is the blessing of the LORD in the Abraham Promise to all of us for us to be Blessed To Be Rich. The Word of GOD says that GOD’s intent and purpose are to give us all things and every Spiritual blessing, richly, in abundance, without measure (not sparingly), purely for our enjoyment, through His Son, by His Son, in His Son [Romans 8:32 NASB, 1 Timothy 6:17 NLT, Ephesians 1:3]. Our failure to act on the Word of GOD is perilous. It means we are not taking the Word seriously.
The blessings of GOD from GOD are Spiritual in nature. The supernatural life in Christ Jesus that GOD has given us trumps the life that we currently live and chase after. It is a life that is higher, a life above, a life full of blessings, a life of victory. Nothing like how most of us live in certain areas (pockets) of our lives. Many will not experience blessings like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon or Job did because we simply do not really believe that the principle works, and we consequently fail to access the blessings. Unbelief and doubt limit our ability to access blessings. Jesus was rich. As the Seed of Abraham and the Son of GOD, Jesus had no choice in the matter but to be rich. Yet He selflessly submitted Himself to poverty according to the express will of GOD so that the great exchange could take place—Our LORD Jesus Christ became poor for all believers to become rich in His stead [2 Corinthians 8:9], His wealth being so great it can enrich us all for an eternity. This is the undiluted unchanged Word of GOD from GOD, the gospel prophesied to Abraham, and the promise that we are all Blessed To Be Rich.
The fact that we do not yet possess the riches and wealth, does not mean that the wealth is not the will of GOD for us or that GOD has not already made provision for it for us. The gospel is the blessing of the Lord in the Abraham Promise to all of us for us to be Blessed To Be Rich. This is the undiluted unchanged Word of GOD from GOD.