Thursday, 05 September 2024
“Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of GOD’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].” – Hebrews 4:16 AMP
One of the things the enemy has mastered in the lives of Believers, is making us think perpetual suffering is okay and even honorable. That struggling through life is what humbles us before GOD, and any form of comfort or success somehow makes us sinful and fleshly. The issue with this diabolical belief is that it makes the Believer bitter towards GOD and humanity at large. It is this very idea of honor in struggle and suffering that causes many to fall from the faith and prefer being in the world where things seem to make more sense.
GOD-ordained suffering in the Name of Jesus is a good thing because it builds our character and often brings us closer to the LORD because that’s when we realize we need Him above all else. This is why the wilderness was ultimately good for the Israelites. It prepared them for the Promised Land. We will always need to go through some kind of training for the next level. And as we very well know, training is, more often than not, unpleasant.
With that said, we cannot ignore that there is such a thing as demonically inspired suffering. Where we are being tormented for no reason except to get us to curse GOD and give up on life. The biggest example of this is when every single area of our lives is in complete shambles and things have not worked out, even by a fraction, for years. Sometimes this state can become generational where it’s clear that a curse has been cast on the family. “Now do not stiffen your neck [becoming obstinate] like your fathers, but yield to the LORD and come to His sanctuary which He has sanctified and set apart forever, and serve the LORD your GOD, so that His burning anger will turn away from you.” – 2 Chronicles 30:8 AMP
Jabez was fed up with his situation when he went to GOD in prayer. Someone had to be the one that breaks the generational curse upon that family and Jabez was courageous enough to do that. In Hebrews 4:16, GOD encourages us to come boldly before His throne room and plead our case. It is not our righteousness that makes us worthy but it is by HIS righteousness that we have been given the privilege to do so and to cry before Him. There are things in life that we will know, through the unction of the Holy Spirit, not to tolerate as blood-washed children and Heirs of GOD.
Jesus has given us everything we need to live victorious lives and if we sit back and accept what GOD has not agreed to, then we are fraternizing with the devil and should not ever blame GOD for our perpetual sufferings.
We must be absolutely fed up with our situation and be willing to fight for change. Jesus Christ said, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” – Luke 10:19 NKJV. What we accept is squarely on us.
There are things in life that we will know, through the unction of the Holy Spirit, not to tolerate as blood-washed children and Heirs of GOD.