If I Touch His Garment I Will Be Healed

If I Touch His Garment I Will Be Healed

Friday, 06 September 2024

“For she was saying within herself, “If only I shall touch His garment, I will be healed.” – Matthew 9:21 NIV

The Bible is full of stories of people who recognized that their situations were dire and that something needed to change. Their loved ones and connections had reached their limitations, and their only saving grace was the LORD. They knew that their only refuge was the LORD (Proverbs 18:10). They then decided for themselves that they were going to get their deliverance /breakthrough from the King of all kings. Being children of the Most High, they knew who their Father was. They knew that all this pain and suffering was not their portion. They then took the matter into their own hands and sought help from GOD.

“Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table” (Matthew 15:27 NIV). This woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenician and she knew that Jesus was not there for them as yet. The Gospel and the Message was initially meant for the Israelites. Yet out of her desperation, she decided to go and seek His face. Jesus initially rejected her but she soldiered on and demanded what she felt was rightfully hers. Think about it this way, you go to GOD for a breakthrough and the same GOD tells you “No”, what do you do after that? Most of us would have turned around like dogs with their tails between their legs. Not this woman, she was tired and had nowhere else to go. As a result of her steadfastness, Jesus was moved and He healed her daughter.

The woman with the issue of blood had also come to the end of the road. She had spent all her time, energy, and money without success. But because she knew who Jesus was, she knew He was the only person that could come through for her. We all know the account and what happened afterward. What touches me about her healing was that it was not dependent on Jesus deciding to heal her, her healing was determined by her OWN faith. Jesus didn’t have a say in the matter, the end result was because of her faith (Matthew 17:20-21). Even this scripture highlights the point that the end result is always dependent on your faith.

Jabez, Hannah, the woman with the issue of blood, and the Syrophoenician woman, are just some of the examples of people who called unto the LORD for deliverance and GOD came through for them because they approached Him with an unwavering faith. They had a personal relationship with their Maker and they knew who they were and Whose they were. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7 NIV). Everything stems from a relationship with the Father. There first needs to be a fellowship and a relationship, as it is in the relationship that we get to know the mind of our Father. It’s when we are connected to the vine that we can only bear fruits, not just any fruits, but fruits that will last.

Everything stems from a relationship with the Father. There first needs to be a fellowship and a relationship, as it is in the relationship that we get to know the mind of our Father.


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