This week’s anchoring Scripture—Isaiah 60:1-4 NKJV/NLT—is an extremely profound prophecy that carries a call (a command) for us to get into action. We are commanded to arise, to let our light shine because our light, who is Christ Jesus, has come. In his letter to the Church in Corinth, Apostle Paul adds dimension to the prophecy in Isaiah 60:1, stating that GOD united us with Christ, and Christ became the righteousness, salvation and redemption from GOD for us [1 Corinthians 1:30]. The world is in intense darkness, getting increasingly darker with each ticking minute, because of the forces of evil which the devil has let loose in it. And even so, we are redeemed, cleansed, made righteous, sanctified, set apart and separated from the darkness by Jesus; The name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together to cleanse us, to make us righteous, to make us holy, to turn us into light [1 Corinthians 6:11]. Not only is Jesus the life, but He is also the light. His life brought the light to all of us. He came to shine the light on, in and through this darkened world to completely overcome it [John 1:4-5].
Children of GOD are born of the Spirit and are of a new nature in Christ. We are born of the light, to be light and to shine in/on the world. Our light is like a city set on a hill, it cannot be hidden, and we must shine this light. In the midst of ever increasing darkness, a world completely overrun and under the influence of wickedness, the LORD requires us to rise above the darkness and to shine our light, holiness and righteousness. The answer and the solution to the world’s darkness and wickedness is you, the Christian, the child of GOD. GOD made you to light up and shine bright for this reason. And it is in darkness that the light shines, that we see the beauty of the light, that the light becomes relevant, that you should shine all the more as a child of GOD. This is our mandate, to be the light of the world and shine for all to see. This command on how to shine the light is the crux of Isaiah 60:2 read together with Matthew 5:14-16.
How we live our lives can either glorify GOD or disgrace GOD. We honour and glorify GOD by shining the light that is already in us, the light that is ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory’ [Colossians 1:27b]. We have our light, righteousness, sanctification and wisdom in Jesus. We must arise and awake to our true nature and identity in Christ. And until we do, the devil will not stop taking advantage of us. The nature and the identity (of light) that we have in us, is the nature and identity of GOD. We cannot afford to be ignorant to the fact that we are of GOD, born-again of the light in spirit. Ephesians 5:14 is a clarion call for all who are spiritually dead, in deep spiritual slumber, in spiritual stupor, drunkenness or laziness, living in deception, still bickering amongst themselves to arise. Christ has already become light for us, He has already made us light, He has already given us light. In that catatonic state of deep spiritual slumber, stupor or drunkenness, we have no comprehension of who we are, what we have, and what we should do. And without having an understanding of the light, we will fail at shining.
The War We Are In is a war for souls. We need to take ground (territory) from the enemy, we need to bring people (souls) to Christ. Souls are what is at stake in this war because the souls are imprisoned by the darkness and GOD has called us to Him to be the solution, to arise and bring His people out of bondage to Him. The only win that matters, the only real defeat that the devil feels, is when he loses souls that we take out of his kingdom. Studying Scriptures is all about your own spiritual fortitude (for yourself). Any breakthrough that you may get, the attainment of personal goals, is also for the self. However, shining the light, being set on that hill to shine, is outwardly. A shining light attracts and calls people to Christ, wins souls to Christ. What you do for souls, which increases, multiplies and wins souls for the Kingdom, is what makes you relevant in this world. Shining the light is an outwardly task, for the benefit of others, for the growth of the righteous forces in the Kingdom of GOD.
If we fully understood the complete meaning and the command given to us in the key Scripture, you and I would ask the LORD, ‘help me shine daily, let me be the light that you have become for me, that you have made me, that you have given me to be to the world’. This would be our daily prayer. If we fully understood, we would stand up and move with zeal for the LORD, for the things of the LORD, all the while emitting light in all that we actively and passively think, do and say. If we fully understood, we would accept that the biggest concern for every true child of GOD, who has a living relationship with Jesus, should be about ministering to the lives (souls) that do not know GOD, and not any of the side issues that we have preoccupied ourselves with. We have an important part to play in the war for souls. GOD has done His part—He has already capacitated us, made us light and given us light, for us to be able to carry out His command—Now we need to do our part by Bringing Souls Into Sonship. And once we have done our part, the LORD will arise on us and His glory will be seen on us, manifesting on us and for us.
Our new nature in Christ has taken us out of the darkness of the world. GOD calls us to Him, HE works His light in us to do according to His will for His good pleasure. And so we must live as light in earnest obedience and seriousness. We do not have the right or the privilege to live as we please. This means that we cannot have fellowship with the world and the things of the world, we cannot be conformed to worldly societal norms that have nothing to do with the will of GOD.—Ephesians 5:8-11. When we encounter darkness in the world, we must counter it by shining. The duty and responsibility we have is to shine, to make a divine difference. GOD does not want us to live foolishly or ignorantly, but we should be careful and be aware at all times. We are living in a darkened world full of wickedness and, as such, we should—(i) be discerning at all times (live carefully and wisely); (ii) do the most with the time the LORD has given (by arising and shining at every turn); and (iii) avoid deliberate mistakes, the vain works of wickedness, consorting with darkness while claiming to be light.—Ephesians 5:13-18.
In this exploration of how to shine the light, the Scriptures prompt us to—Live carefully and wisely as children of GOD, as the light of the world; Make the most of our time, make the most of our calling (to win souls, to work for the Kingdom of GOD); Live a life of purpose daily (read the Bible daily, pray daily, wait on the LORD daily); Understand what the will of the LORD is, understand what the LORD wants (seek, find out, understand what the LORD wants); Always be filled with the Holy Spirit. We must live and walk in accordance with the prescripts of faith, the Holy Spirit and the Light. We must emit light and shine for everyone. Filled with the Holy Spirit, arise, shine your light for all to see child of GOD, and GOD’s glory will rise to shine on you. Then every person of authority, influence and power will come, drawn by the light in you. Living always in the ever- present presence of the light of GOD, there is no room for unforgiveness, offense or retaliation, your vengeance belongs to GOD alone. Living always in the ever-present presence of the light of GOD, we are given a glorious sainthood in Christ, the light that attracts and draws the nations of the world to the Kingdom of GOD.
“Our new nature in Christ has taken us out of the darkness of the world. GOD calls us to Him, HE works His light in us to do according to His will for His good pleasure. And so we must live as light in earnest obedience and seriousness. This means that we cannot have fellowship with the world and the things of the world, that we cannot be conformed to the world and its societal norms that have nothing to do with the will of GOD. And whenever we encounter darkness in the world, we must counter it by shining.”