GOD has everyone’s best intentions at heart because—Absolutely everything that GOD thinks, says and does comes from a good place and a place of love; And the purpose to what GOD thinks, says, and does is love, a love that comes from a good place, pure heart and pure motive. Absolutely everything that GOD the Father does is firmly and deeply rooted in love. We are the children of GOD the Father, the offspring of our Father who is love. Our Father who is the embodiment of love. GOD has called all of us to love, and He always nudges and guides us in the direction and in the ways of love. Love is always at the forefront of the imagination, the meditations, the reflections, the plans and will of GOD. And as the children of our Father, love ought to be (should be) paramount, love ought to be (should be) cardinal in all that we think, say and do. If we stray from this premise, we stray from the one thing, that actually really matters with GOD, we stray from the one thing that makes us who we truly are. 1 Timothy 1:3-6 is the proof text for this premise and this week’s teaching.
Everything in the Kingdom of GOD (the Kingdom that we are born-again into) works, operates and functions by love and through love, it all revolves around love. According to the text in the proof Scripture, if any word, message, command or instruction is truly from GOD and truly about GOD, it will carry a message of love. If you receive any such word or command that does not come from a place of love and does not carry a message of love, you can be rest assured that it does not come from GOD, regardless of who has conveyed it to you. Please do not be quick to believe anything and everything just because it is said to be from GOD. The test is thus this— Any teaching, message, prophecy or revelation from GOD/that is said to come from GOD, will have love as its main feature, key fundamental and premise; It will reconcile, bring people up in the faith, and bring people to GOD; And it will not alienate people from GOD or condemn people.
Any word, teaching, message, prophecy or revelation that is said to come from GOD but deviates from the path of love and the premised fundamental principle of love, is first and foremost not the gospel; Secondly, it undermines and nullifies the works of grace that was accomplished on the cross, the works of grace which GOD did for all of mankind; And lastly, it does not come from GOD and it is not about GOD. Any word, message, revelation from GOD must edify, build-up, encourage, comfort, strengthen another person in the LORD and in the faith. As Believers, we must make the pursuit of this love our goal and our purpose. We must earnestly desire, especially the spiritual ability to prophesy, to speak a new message/word/revelation that comes from GOD and speaks for GOD to the people, and thereby use our spiritual gifts to minister love to one another, use our spiritual gifts for the benefit of the Church.—1 Corinthians 14:1 NKJV/AMP.
Any and every message, word, prophecy and revelation must pass the test of the Scriptures for it to be from GOD, and many of them that are doing the rounds on social media platforms simply do not pass the test. From Scripture we read that, GOD the Father Himself, was in the Son, reconciling us/sinners/the world to Himself; GOD knew/knows our sins, trespasses and wrongdoings, and He is just not interested in the sins; GOD is only interested in reconciling us/sinners/the world to Himself because He has committed to us that He will reconcile those of us who have missed the mark, are missing the mark, and will miss the mark to Himself; GOD has committed not to judge and condemn us as it were but has committed to redeem and restore—2 Corinthians 5:18-19. The ministry of reconciliation preaches and teaches the word of reconciliation that does not impute the sins of the people to them, that does not hold the sins of the people against them. No one has the right to ascribe guilt, judge, condemn, punish or banish another, because if GOD is not doing it, who is anybody to do it?
GOD has given this one ministry of reconciliation, and this one ministry of reconciliation proclaims forgiveness and cancellation of our sins in Christ Jesus. This is the message that Christ has entrusted to us. This is the message that Apostle Paul passed onto Titus, for Titus to pass onto the Church in Ephesus, this is the message for all Believers past and present—Titus 2:11-13. The purpose of the message of GOD, the purpose of the message from GOD, is love, favour, reconciliation and restoration. Anything that does not speak of these, does not originate from GOD, does not come from GOD. A tell-tale indication that a message that you hear is truly from GOD at all will be in the content of the message. And if the message that we preach/teach/receive is not in keeping with the love of GOD that takes away sins and forgives trespasses, but brings into judgment for wrongdoing, this is most certainly not a message or a revelation from the LORD. The beautiful love part of it all is that this message (of the gospel, the Word of reconciliation, and the ministry of reconciliation) is not only for the Church or just for Believers, but it is for everyone, Believers and non-believers alike.
Holy Spirt teaches and coaches us about the Word, how to live righteous godly lives, and we eagerly look forward to the coming again of Christ Jesus with expectation, certainly not because we are waiting for judgment, condemnation, punishment or banishment from GOD’s presence. The sad reality is that a lot of the word, message and prophecy that is said to be coming from GOD is full of judgment, condemnation, punishment and banishment; It says GOD is angry, whereas nothing could be further from the truth. Any person who is afraid of GOD’s judgment (because he is told, he thinks, and he believes that GOD is angry with them and that GOD will rain judgment and punishment on them), has not been made perfect in love. Such a person does not understand grace (the works of grace) and the love of GOD (the works of GOD’s love). A person who pointedly rains condemnation and judgment on another person has strayed far from the path of love, and lacks understanding the works of grace and love in themselves [1 John 4:18 AMP]. These are the people whom Paul charged Titus with the duty to correct, these are the people whom GOD charges us with the duty to correct.
The message is that GOD loves you, He is not judging you, He is not recalling the deeds, He is not holding your misdeeds against you, He says, ‘Come as you are’. Satan does not want any sinner to hear this message. Satan will fight you tooth and nail for this message to be lost to you, he only wants sinners to hear that ‘you are beyond redemption’ / ‘give up’. The true message says: there is no judgment or condemnation in love; love covers a multitude of sins; there is forgiveness in love, reconciliation in love, restoration to favour with GOD in love. This is the message that GOD has entrusted us to tell to everyone (including those most undeserving) of: His love for them; what He has done for them; and what great things He still has waiting ahead for them in Him. This is the same message penned in 1 Corinthians 2:9, Romans 8:32 and Jeremiah 29:11. There is a beautiful future for everyone in Christ, not one of doom, condemnation and death, but one full of hope and prosperity. This is what we must preach in and out of season, without fear, without compromise.
It does not matter what we may be going through because GOD has a wonderful plan to take us out of it, we need only focus on Him, His message and His will. Your only job is to “set your mind on things above not things on the earth” [Colossians 3:2]. Do not fixate on the sin, wrongdoing, trespasses, weakness and infirmities that keep you in bondage, because GOD has not appointed us unto death and condemnation. GOD has not appointed us to minister doom and gloom. HE has appointed us unto a good future of hope in HIM and unto prosperity indeed. We should be confident that we will see the goodness of GOD here on earth, where only good things await us [Psalms 27:13 NIV]. Today is the day we stop feeling heavy and weighed down by problems. Today is the day of the favour and salvation of the LORD, the day of GOD’s assistance and help to everyone. GOD has specifically made us, appointed us and called us unto His Kingdom for this day; This Is The Day for gladness and rejoicing [Psalms 118:24], and there is no devil in hell or satanic force on earth that can nullify, cancel or make you not to partake of GOD’s glorious love and light rising upon you on this day [Isaiah 60:1-2].
Today is the day of the favour and salvation of the LORD. GOD has specifically made us, appointed us, and called us unto His Kingdom and for this day. This Is The Day for gladness and rejoicing, and there is no devil in hell or satanic force on earth that can nullify, cancel or make you not to partake of GOD’s glorious love and light rising upon you on this day.