Our Background
Kingdom Of Sons Ministries is a result of a visitation I had from the LORD JESUS.
I was studying the Word of GOD as I was accustomed to in my closet late in the night. I was sitting down at my desk and started feeling sleepy. Suddenly I was in a trance. The brick wall in front of me seemed to have instantly disappeared. Then the LORD came in with two other gentlemen whom I paid no attention because at that moment I seemed only to be fixated on the LORD. I had not seen HIM before, but when HE came that night I knew like I know myself it was the LORD JESUS CHRIST, yet nobody had told me.
For three days on the trot I had been steadfastly studying and meditating on one Scripture only, “He who has my Commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him,” John 14:21. I was fascinated by the truth in that Scripture that HE could actually manifest HIMSELF to me. And yes HE did!
A week prior to this incident the HOLY SPIRIT had asked me what I would ask from JESUS if I saw HIM. HE then helped me with what I would ask HIM.
Now back to the trance, JESUS headed for me. HE gently paced around me and I perceived HE was praying for me in a foreign language. Meanwhile, I was touching and kissing HIS hands non-stop. When HE ceased HE asked me, “What do you wish?” I readily replied since the HOLY SPIRIT had prepared me what to ask, as I have explained. “To live for JESUS,” I said. He turned to walk away and I reluctantly let go of HIM. HE left exactly the way HE came. It was HIM first and then the two others. The last gentleman paused on the way out and said to me, “Your ministry is based on the power you have and on one wife.”
Instantly I snapped back to my senses again, and needless to mention, I was bewildered. This was on 7 July 2004. This time I was still under discipleship and guardianship of my father in the LORD. I had been under him from September 2002 until September 2013. Sometimes, the LORD will give you your vision and/or ministry while you are still under spiritual guardianship to test your obedience. That is, will you still remain humble, obedient and serve, (see Gal. 4:1-2, AMP). After HE gave me my ministry/vision it took nine years before fulfilment, and five years before HE gave me the wife I was told about in the vision.
In December 2013 while I was reading and praying in the morning I was given the name and vision of the ministry according to Colossians 1:13, “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of his love.” I obeyed the vision and registered the ministry in January 2014. And on 2 March 2014 we had our first service in Riverlea, Johannesburg according to the leading of the SPIRIT.
A prophecy given to me by my spiritual father and great general in the Kingdom, on 16 November 2012. Written in his own handwriting.
‘GOD has chosen you and do not force yourself. You’re being groomed for greatness. You’ll be revealed in your generation. Keep true to your covenant you made with GOD. Very, very soon miracles, wonders will be performed through you. Keep yourself very, very close to Hashem for revelations. Shalom.’