Doing The Works

One Comment

  1. Buyi

    Good day Profet

    I just wanna thank u 4 the powerful sermon I listened 2 when I was in bed sick, i opened the tv channel n u were teaching about saving. I’m a spender who doesn’t save, always hv excuses of not saving. I’m sinking in debts, decided not 2 pay them n box my money. Was so angry that I work hard, pd well bt don’t enjoy a payday because of debts then I decided not to pay them.
    Bt 1 thing I do Profet is paying my tides every month b4 touching my money. God has blessed me so much in 2018 n did most of the things I wanted 2 do 4 the past 3 years. I’m ready 2 face my debts head on and SAVE.
    I thank God 4 making me open the TV n found u.I would like 2 know your preaching times on TV n how can I get DVD,s if u hv any.

    Thank you
    God Bless

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