Fellowship Of The Treasure & The Map

Fellowship Of The Treasure & The Map

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves – 2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT.

As human beings our abilities are sometimes limited by our past experiences. The problem with this is that we limit ourselves because we know our flaws and limitations and that sometimes is a barrier to us achieving a lot of things.

In Christianity this is the opposite because we – have – this “treasure” that is in us, that is continuously revealing the things we could potentially achieve if we were to truly surrender everything. Take prophecy for example: “You will have a ministry and many great prophets will receive their impartations there”. That time you are struggling to even commit to the things of GOD. There is no way I can even lead two people, let alone lead multitudes. It is the “treasure” that is stretching your faith and making you realize what you are capable of doing. We focus on the clay that is vulgar, ill-disciplined, unreliable and worn out. Yet the “treasure” sees the “mighty man of valor” who will deliver his people. Gideon was clay that was ready to be disposed and destroyed, yet the “treasure” ignited the power that was within. “Go in the strength that you have,” Judges 6:14.

When the “treasure” is in complete control amazing and miraculous things happen. This is why all of a sudden a prostitute you knew (not that you know one) is one day a powerful vessel of GOD. How an alcoholic from your hood is an anointed evangelist. The “treasure” is showing and proving that there is no way the clay could have done this on its own. We have clays that go around quoting Galatians 2:20 yet don’t believe they can impact nations.

A clay that was a murderer and blasphemer wrote majority of Scriptures we are quoting today. We admire him because of the fruits of the “treasure” yet forget he started out as a sinful clay. What or who is this “treasure”? Is He at work in my life? Do I know this “treasure”? My seemingly mundane Christian walk may be that way because the “treasure” has not taken over. There is a map that leads us to know and understand this “treasure”. At first the map doesn’t make sense and seems like someone just scribbled it down just to frustrate me. The crazy thing is you need the “treasure” to reveal and explain the map. Without the “treasure” you can’t find the map…Crazy right. 

We focus on the clay that is vulgar, ill-disciplined, unreliable and worn out, yet the “treasure” sees a mighty man of valor


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