And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. – Galatians 6:9
It is the Lord who sets the times and the seasons. He knows when the right time is to plant and the right time to harvest. So when He says sow, we should be relentless in planting, and when He says it’s time to reap, we should go forth rejoicing and harvest all that He leads us to. It is a wonderful time that the Holy Spirit is ushering us into as a Church. It is our due season to reap. Time to reap is not time to complain and entertain valid issues of life, it is time to be focused on what is at hand, it is time to collect and to collect all. Even this calls for serious discipline, because if you allow a single distraction you will miss out.
It is time to say what the Holy Spirit says, and He has spoken saying: “After testing, blessing!” It is our season of blessing, it is a season to be blessed out of our minds. It is our season to see Amos 9:13 manifest. It is happening so fast my head is swimming. God’s faithfulness is no longer something we just talk about it is our tangible reality in this season. It is happening whether you like it or not, but if we sleep on it we won’t be blessed as we ought to be. The Holy Spirit reminded me of Proverbs 6:31 yesterday and said that the thief has been caught and he must restore sevenfold, He said in this season it is payback time, a big fat payback is ours.
Remember Ecclesiastes 3, to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven, it is not the time for weaping right now, no. It is a time of great rejoicing. Do not get caught up in the former, do not entertain the lie. Only receive, agree with the Lord, take all He is giving you, remember it’s the season for it, you don’t know what is coming next. Don’t be cute, don’t be falsely humble, receive of the overflow. God is in control, and right now He is controlling the blessings and they are hitting the Church like a ton of bricks, Praise the Lord!