Sunday Message Summary, 15 November 2020
The LORD encourages and teaches the church to pray together, so much so that the entirety of the Lord’s prayer is plural, not singular (Luke 11:1-4). For every believer, there will come a time when each of us need the church, and our fellow believers to stand with us in prayer. GOD says if His people come together, humbling themselves to pray, He will hear them and answer their prayer (2 Chronicles 7:14), and such corporate prayer was one of the secrets of the church in Acts. GOD moves, answers, and intervenes when we pray together, so in this time of COVID-19 crisis, the church must offer constant prayer to GOD in one accord.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, so the LORD exhorts us to take up the whole armor of GOD and pray with all manner of prayer & supplication in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:12-18). The whole church is being admonished to pray. This battle will never abate until Christ returns, so we need to pray always in the present continuous. Furthermore, it is the will of GOD that we offer prayer in the Holy Spirit, & every believer must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Our prayers cannot be effective if we are not praying in the Spirit. A church that gets things done is a church filled with the Spirit. A praying church is a church filled with the Holy Spirit, and a church that is filled with the Holy Spirit is a church that prays in the Spirit.
If we have fellowship it will be easy for us to pray together. Fellowship means getting to know each other on a deeper level, where one’s needs become the needs of the other, and one’s pain becomes the pain of the other. If we have fellowship, we will not need to ask each other for prayer because we can tell when any among us needs prayer. We cannot be in covenant with GOD if we are not in covenant with His church. Even angelic ministration is released and activated when the church is praying (Acts 12:5-18). The church is the highest and final authority on Earth, so let the church gather together and pray.
GOD moves, answers, and intervenes when we pray together.