Why Satan Attacks The Word

Why Satan Attacks The Word

Sunday Message Summary, 28 March 2021

According to Mark 4:15, when the seed (the Word) is sown, Satan does not delay and attacks the Word immediately. Why the urgency? When you take away the seed from the ground, there is nothing that can come out from that ground, even though one can expect, pray, fast, or speak in tongues. There is something in the Word of God that scares the enemy and frustrates his plans and his system. Why does the devil attack the Word?

1. The Word is the life and the power of GOD (Hebrews 4:12) –The Word is the life and power of a believer. You are as alive, as vibrant, as dynamic, as zealous a believer as the Word of God in you. You are as powerful against the devil and against sin as the Word of God in you, and the devil knows this. You are a dead believer if you have no Word in you or if you have a dead Word in you. The devil does not want the Word to abide and dwell in us, not wanting the Word to be alive and powerful within a believer because when that happens it is impossible for the devil to steal, kill and destroy. Satan targets the Word, which gives us life and power in GOD.

2. Just as an infant in the natural grows by milk, so a believer grows in the spirit by the pure Word of God (1 Peter 2:2) – Not every Word that is preached and taught is the pure milk of the Word. Pure means unmixed, uncontaminated, and undiluted, without which the Word cannot operate, and we will always remain dwarfs in the Spirit, not growing. It is impossible for any believer to be exhausted if they are feeding on the pure milk of the Word. However, we have to desire the Word because growth in the spirit is by desire, by choice and by decision. We must grow from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity; however, GOD will not bypass His systems and mechanisms by which this growth will come. The enemy takes advantage of us when we no longer open our Bibles. The teaching of man, that is not the pure milk, leads into bondage and causes a child of GOD to be dependent on man and not on Christ. Any word that is mixed, contaminated, and diluted is a tool of manipulation, deceit, control, and abuse.

3. The Word is able to grow us, build us, and bless us as children of GOD (Acts 20:32) – Possession of our inheritance and everything GOD has promised us is through the Word, however very few, mature children of GOD know that their blessing comes from the Word of God. If we knew this, why would we derail and pursue other things? We need to incubate the Word of God in our hearts, and we need to think, meditate on, talk, walk and do the Word. When we hear the Word and do not do the Word, we are deceiving ourselves (James 1:22). There is a condition of us abiding in the LORD and His Word abiding in us for us to ask what we desire and GOD doing it (John 15:7). This is when we are in Him, He in us, and His Word lives and works powerfully in us.

4. The Word heals, rescues, and protects a believer from temptations and all the attacks of the devil (Psalm 107:20) – We can come to church, but if we have not gotten the pure, unadulterated, and undiluted Word of God, we have nothing. Everything we receive, we get through the Word of God, so it will only take the Word to maintain it. All things of GOD are one, and the nucleus is the Word of God.

Possession of our inheritance and everything GOD has promised us is through the Word. If we knew this, why would we derail and pursue other things.


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