Friday, 29 March 2024
“And his friend replied, “This [dream] is nothing less than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel. GOD has given Midian and the entire camp into his hand” – Judges 7:14 AMP
Back in the day, there was a need to know if a chemical in liquid form was either an acid or alkaline. If you put your finger in an acid liquid thinking it’s alkaline, let’s just say your finger will hate you for the rest of your life. In the year 1300, a scientist by the name of, Arnaldus de Villa Nova came up with a breakthrough and discovered a material that he named Litmus Paper. This brilliant invention simplified/ solved a problem that had frustrated the scientific world for so long. This litmus paper, when dipped into any solution, will change COLOUR to signify if it’s acidic or alkaline. Blue litmus paper turns red in acid. While red litmus turns blue in an alkaline solution. This is standard and doesn’t change anywhere in the whole world, blue litmus turns red in acid (BRA= Blue turns Red in Acid). This is a universal constant.
As children of GOD, we are always exposed to the dark that is a plague to the rest of the world. Like the Litmus Paper scientists use, when we are dipped into this destruction we will react, and the result will be apparent to those that are around us. The change and the manner in which we react will be determined by our relationship with GOD and how we perceive the darkness that is around us. We either cower and conform to the standard of the world, or we rise up and become the change that this dark and perverse world needs. We must choose if we are part of the problem or the solution that has been called and appointed by the Almighty. In the same manner that we have BRA in science, as Christians we must change in response to the need that is placed before us, the need that is placed on our shoulders. I won’t lie and claim that this transition will be easy and smooth sailing, it won’t. It will be very hard and very uncomfortable, but the battle isn’t ours but the LORD’s (2 Chronicles 20:15). Creation is waiting for the true servants of the LORD to come into their own. Creation is waiting for a solution that can ONLY come from those who are called by GOD’s name (Romans 8:19).
Gideon was a “useless and weak” individual, who was a coward and who thought very little of himself (rightly so). Yet when his Creator called upon him to be a solution, he had to get over himself and realize that it was not about him but about the greater good. The very same “coward” that was hiding, has been called by GOD to be his nation’s breakthrough. What he had to realize was that the strength doesn’t come from him, but comes from within (1 John 4:4). When he fully tapped into his GOD-given strength and power (anointing), he became a nightmare to his enemies. The same “coward” that claimed to be the least of all his people, destroyed and obliterated his enemies. By the mentioning of his name, all his enemies testified to his ability and anointing. As children of GOD, this is our heritage, our birthright. When we are dipped into this dark world (acid) do we become a solution (turning Red) or do we confirm and remain the same (turn blue = alkaline = useless and not beneficial to the world)? “The LORD turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you” Judges 6:14 NIV. Creation is waiting. Go and be a solution.
Creation is waiting for the true servants of the LORD to come into their own. Creation is waiting for a solution that can ONLY come from those who are called by GOD’s name (Romans 8:19)