Filled With The Spirit

Filled With The Spirit

Ref Ephesians 5:18

This is a command, not a suggestion, to be filled with the Spirit. Christianity or Christian life is non-existent without the Holy Spirit. So to be filled with the Spirit is vital, it’s an absolute necessity. We are to walk or live in the Spirit, however, without being full of the Spirit it’s not possible. We are to be led by the Spirit, however, without walking in the Spirit it’s not possible. If we are not led by the Spirit, we are led by the flesh. This is where the problem lies. We live our lives as Christians from problem to problem, crisis to crisis, disaster to disaster because of being led by our flesh, and not the Spirit of GOD.

We walk in the Spirit because we are filled with the Spirit. This makes way for the leading of the Spirit in our lives. Now remember, being filled with the Spirit leads to Spirit-filled life which leads to the leading of the Spirit. That’s why the Bible puts it as vital the infilling with the Spirit for a believer. We can do nothing without the Holy Spirit. Ideally we don’t need a measure but the fullness of the Spirit, hence to be filled. The apostles said to the community of believers, “Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit,” Acts 6:3. To be filled with the Spirit is for every believer, and it is a very vital and integral component of our faith walk.

This is so important that we see it repeated a few times in the first chapter of the Gospel according to St Luke. In that one chapter, Zacharias, his wife Elizabeth and his unborn son, John, were all filled with the Spirit. Interestingly, this was before Jesus. It was vital then, it is even more vital now. The infilling with the Spirit makes people vessels useful to GOD, and sets them apart for Him.  When filled with the Spirit we are overshadowed by the supernatural and begin to experience a truly supernatural life and phenomena. Zacharias prophesied, and so did his wife, when filled. They were open to tap into the realms of the Spirit. When Spirit-filled we are open to the realm of revelations and visions (2 Corinthians 12:1). We are caught up in the Spirit and our spirit senses open to hear and see like John (Revelation 1:10, 12).

We must be filled with the Spirit, so that we can know the things that have been freely given to us by GOD, because He has revealed them to us through His Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10, 12). Without being filled with the Spirit we are truly limited as believers, we forego a lot of blessings that belong to us and we fail to navigate the spiritual life and to live it. It is a tragedy for a Christian to live independent of the Holy Spirit. When we are full of the Spirit, He regulates, guides and aids our life. This is why He is our Helper, Counselor, Guide, Advocate. None of us can do without Him, and without Him the Christian life is non-existent. “Do not get drunk with wine, which will only ruin you; instead, be filled with the Spirit,” Ephesians 5:18 GNB.

Without being filled with the Spirit we are truly limited as believers, we forego a lot of blessings that belong to us and we fail to navigate the spiritual life and to live it


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