Thursday, 24 May 2018
Do not give the devil a foothold – Ephesians 4:27.
In life we have real spiritual enemies, the kind we can’t even imagine. Endless thanks to God our Father for giving us the victory in Christ our Lord. Satan didn’t take vacation or go MIA after the day we were born again. He is very much around and his grim intention and purpose is to bring us down. However, with our determined continuance in faith, Spirit and truth he’s kept at bay and defeated under our feet. Having stated this, we cannot afford to be ignorant and reckless. When you underestimate your enemy he’ll defeat you. Similarly when you overestimate your enemy you defeat yourself. That’s why at all times we need to be sober and alert because our avowed enemy is crouching and prowling for whom he may devour.
Resist him steadfast in the faith until he flees in embarrassing defeat. Give him no place, no chance, no opportunity. God didn’t give us a spirit to fear, so we’re confident, bold and courageous. The Lord is leading us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. We have the victory, it belongs to us. So don’t fear, surrender or give up. Your breakthrough is as sure as the rising of the sun and the setting of the same. Don’t give up, take up what belongs to you. In Christ only do we have victory, success, prosperity, hope and future. No matter what happens, don’t entertain the devil nor pay attention to his lies in whichever form they may come. Believe truth, the word of God is truth.