A Radical Way Of Living

A Radical Way Of Living

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors – 1 Peter 1:18.

Jesus the perfect Lamb paid with His life the price to give us the perfect life. This sacrifice was too great, and it did not happen so we could just get by. Jesus did not die so that maybe by chance we can get by, perhaps He paid the price for a 50/50 chance of our wellbeing and wholeness. That is the furthest thing from the truth. The price of the Son of God was not paid so we could merely get by, it purchased for us LIFE, true life, whole life, abundant life. God has always given us His best, at creation among all that He created, we are made in His image, His breath gives us life and His Spirit dwells within us. The life God gave us through His Son is holy and pure, it is a beautiful life.

If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, we have been rescued and drawn out from the dominion of darkness, and have been transferred into the kingdom of His beloved Son. Dear brothers and sisters this is a brand new life. It is far removed from how we lived when we were unsaved. Everything has changed in the spirit and our physical life must now follow the Spirit. For us to experience true power we have to forsake our former way of living, the godless way in which we were brought up at home must fall away. We have to be renewed in our thinking, speaking, behaviours, habits, etc. Our focus must now shift from pursuing the world to pursuing God.

There is nothing good about where we are coming from, we have been taught to hustle yet in the new kingdom we are encouraged to take up His yoke and rest, not hustle. We were taught in our former life to believe in ourselves, in the new kingdom we are instructed to believe and have faith in God because it is not by might nor by power but by His Spirit. We were told in our former life that it is man for himself and God for us all, yet the Bible tells us to consider others better than ourselves, to serve one another and to accept being wronged for the sake of peace because God is our avenger. There is no dog eat dog in Christianity, it is a kingdom of love, patience, compassion and gentleness. It doesn’t matter if you have been operating the way you had for 30 years, if you are going to live a truly successful Christian life, that old and former way of living must go.


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