Before And After

Before And After

Let us reconcile with the truth of our current state, we are redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to us from our ancestors (1 Peter 1:18), we are no longer on a downward spiral, we have made a right turn. Christ who is our hope of glory has appeared in our hearts when we believed and confessed Him as Lord. We are destitute no longer (Philippians 4:19), delivered from death and destruction, no longer weak, slaves to sin, cursed none of that. We have been made new.

We cannot pull out the same excuses we’d been defaulting to before Christ because everything is different now. Jesus’ death and ressurection changed everything. Number 1: we have the Holy Spirit in us, 2: we have the Father and the Son inhabiting us for keeping His Word, 3: we received power when the Holy Spirit came upon us, we are not by any means the same people we were. Even the expectation on God’s side has changed (Acts 17:30). He has given us all the tools to forge ahead in the newness and vitality of life He has given us through Christ Jesus.

So it doesn’t matter how long the struggle has been going on for, we will and we must enter destiny because Christ secured it for us. While challenges come at us fast and furious, and excuses dispense themselves like parking tickets, we must make like good soldiers and find reason to succeed at all cost. We must come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ because the price was paid in full for this makeover, the old is gone the new is at hand (2 Corinthians 5:17), this is who we are now and that’s that!


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