Level Up!

Level Up!

There comes a time in life when the battle becomes tougher, when your usual confessions of faith seem not to work and you feel like you went from feather weight fights to heavy weight overnight. It may be that you have entered uncharted terrain in your life, and though you may feel like you are doing nothing, stick with the word! Stand firm on the word, being immovable and unshaken.

The Word does not change, in every situation, we win! So when things come at you fast and furious don’t be intimidated, the enemy will make you think you need something else other than the Word to go against the enemy, but the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, don’t change weapons, this one is the ultimate. Don’t allow the enemy to make you think nothing is happening, stand and see the salvation of the Lord. Something is happening, you are winning! Level up, with the word!


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