Take Every Word To Heart

Take Every Word To Heart

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness – 2 Timothy 3:16.

The Word of God is for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, 2 Timothy 3:17 goes on to say: ‘ so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.’.  The Word cleanses and changes us from within, it grows us and equips us to live purposeful lives. We must take it as personal instruction, we have to allow it to search us through if it is going to have it’s full work in us.

The danger we come across as Christians growing in Christ is that at some point we become so high and mighty in our own eyes and begin to perceive the Word preached as perfect for  this sister or that brother. We discuss it as though it does not affect us directly but as a remedy for someone we know. When the Word is preached it comes to us with purpose and assignment, we err if we close our hearts because we don’t feel this particular Word is for us personally.

This Bible we carry is a spiritual book, it is life itself, it is Jesus. How does one begin to think that this Jesus is for someone else and not me? Every word is deliberate, every word has an assignment. It is inexhaustible in wisdom and rich in a spiritual and literal sense. Of the countless number of books written, the Bible stands alone, the book of the one true God, the Creator’s manual. Make it personal, receive it as a personal message and treasure it.


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